There is one case where a man claims Monsanto was suing him unfairly, but later admitted to planting some of their seeds in his fields, and then later saving the seeds from crop production and using them in his fields – in other words he sank his own case and admitted it was no accident they ended up in his fields. Genetically modified foods are considered intellectual property. It’s a double-edged sword in my opinion. Biographics – History, One Life at a Time. Science has allowed us the technology to create new plant variations with exactly the traits we want in a very small fraction of the time. Some of the people who are most active against GMO’s misunderstand and think that this is something that only started happening recently. If you opt for growing your own, seek out Internet heirloom seed suppliers and learn to save some seeds for next year’s growing season. Many GM crops are modified so that they will have natural insecticides of various sorts, which is one way of reducing an incredible amount of noxious artificial pesticides being sprayed into the air every year.

On the one hand there are those who are legitimately concerned with certain specific issues regarding actions by some big companies and will occasionally highlight a specific process. It may well be that Monsanto has been involved in many shady business practices, but if that is what people are against they should fight the ethics of the company itself, not the concept of genetic modification.

In most developed countries, GMOs have been banned or placed under strict regulations.

It’s not unreasonable either to question specifics about any process, whether it’s been proven to be safe or not.

Pesticides tend to be incredibly harmful to the environment, so any major reduction would be a great benefit to air quality. See my profile page for more information! Information that may tamper with the fact that GMOs produce more long-lasting cash crops is concealed. The disturbing issue remains though – even if the consumers polled thought they were just answering a question about GMO’s, it shows that they did not have any idea what DNA really is. I love to help others find new ways to live a happier and healthier life! It was inevitable then, that eventually he would get into the debate about GMO’s. At the end of the day, it comes down to money. The bottom line is that genetically modified foods are just not natural and have not been proven to be safe.

Aspartame is another genetically modified killer! Some people have argued that some of the crusades against Monsanto have not been entirely fair, and may be a product of hysteria more than anything else.

These farmers used a bacteria that they introduced into the crop – which added new DNA – and it caused it to flourish into something that would actually be edible. Yes, GMOs are safe; There are only 10 GMO crops commercially available in the U.S. Sign up for daily news from OneGreenPlanet.

This doesn’t mean we are suggesting that those who have concerns about GMO’s don’t understand science, but it is clear that there is a lot of confusion and misinformation regarding the entire issue. GMO plants are designed not to produce wild seed. Many people were quite alarmed when seeing the poll, because it shows such a complete misunderstanding of basic science. Scientists also believe that the process the farmers used to create the sweet potatoes we know today is incredibly similar to the process food scientists use today for GMO crops.

These countries included Germany, France, Austria, Denmark, Greece, Hungary, The Netherlands, Italy, and Poland. For many others, the fact that organic fruits and vegetables aren’t so aesthetically pleasing, determines choices some make. The first GMO food to reach the market was a tomato.. Called Flavr Savr, Calgene developed and sent the tomatoes to the... Genentech used GMO bacteria … Being publicly-funded gives us a greater chance to continue providing you with high quality content. Apples are one of the most unassuming and ubiquitous fruits in existence. Suppressed Information for Cash Crops.