What this serves to indicate is that the more covert infiltration mission: espionage and fixing the Afghan forces internal organizational vulnerabilities with placement of key agents – is largely satisfactory to them already, and so more overt and more expendable variations are going into effect. based on a hierarchy of respect and care for family, clan and tribe. recklessly directed their efforts toward young, desperate and jobless Afghans, who The attacker was captured and taken into Afghan custody. Aug. 4, 2011: Three US soldiers were wounded in the attack. One British soldier was killed and one was wounded.

An Afghan National Army soldier from Laghman province who had served as a prayer leader since joining the ANA a year ago opened fire on British and Afghan troops at Patrol Base Hazrat in the Nahr-e Saraj area of Helmand province, killing one British soldier and wounding six more. I believe we will start shrinking the ISI and choking off its resources in the not-distant future. The attacker, fled. An Afghan soldier killed a US soldier and wounded two more in an attack at the governor’s compound in Jalalabad, Nangarhar. women and injured others, including children. It’s a major strategic mistake as I have been saying for years. An Afghan policeman gunned down two US military officers in the Interior Ministry in Kabul before escaping. Thanks for reading! The United States has always taken the lead in Foreign Internal Diplomacy, utilized by our special forces teams. Without a complete study of the attacks, including those that do not result in casualties, it is impossible to have a full understanding as to what motivates Afghan security personnel to turn on their foreign partners. The attacker was shot and killed in return fire by three other US soldiers. Faryab – 2 The success of this security transition depends greatly on the strength and competence of the Afghan military and police. Afghan National Army soldiers killed two US soldiers and a civilian adviser in Paktika province, and wounded three other Americans. Three ANSF soldiers in an ANSF vehicle drove onto a US military base in Kapisa province, and opened fire on US troops and civilians, killing one civilian contractor and wounding four US troops. not necessarily linked to the Taliban; most of time, they act independently, And tokens don’t count. The incident occurred in the Spin Boldak district of Kandahar province, and the district police chief has since been fired for negligence and lack of control over his personnel, according to AFP. William "Bill" Howard is a writer for Low VA Rates and a Wounded Warrior. Join the conversation: get our weekly email, We encourage anyone to comment, please consult, Talking to the other side: humanitarian engagement with the Taliban in Afghanistan.

“At the time, Col. John “Pete” Johnson, a U.S. forces commander in eastern Afghanistan, predicted it would be “the first incident of its kind.”” The gunman was wounded by return fire and taken to a hospital.

Because we have been massively dumbed down as a nation. July 9, 2013: I witnessed firsthand the major differences between their culture and ours.

were gathering in roundabouts (Afghans call it “Chawk”) in search of work in pride. A “rogue” Afghan National Army soldier opened fire on Slovakian troops at Kandahar Airfield, killing one and injuring at least two more. Nangarhar – 12 In only a few are the attackers are listed as killed. those with wounded pride went there looking for an opportunity to become

One US soldier and a civilian contractor were killed, and two US soldiers were wounded. Jan. 8, 2012: An Afghan soldier killed an ISAF soldier in southern Afghanistan. tendency of rogue Afghan soldiers to look at their foreign comrades as enemies. When the US troops returned fire, “[a]nother Afghan soldier at the checkpoint opened fire on the Americans, killing a US civilian contractor and wounding two other American soldiers [and] … [s]oon, Afghan soldiers and possibly insurgents began firing at the Americans from several directions.”.

An Afghan soldier opened fire on US officers at a key leader engagement at the Marshal Fahim National Defense University in Kabul City. In early August 2012, the Taliban released a video of two Afghan soldiers who attacked ISAF soldiers in Kunar and Uruzgan [see Threat Matrix report, Observations on Taliban video ‘welcoming’ rogue ANA soldiers]. An Afghan soldier opened fire on British troops in the Nad Ali district in Helmand province. inspired by their need to bring pride back to their families. Now that they have convinced themselves they do not, it will be necessary to oppose them kinetically. April 27, 2011: March 14, 2012: Dec. 29, 2011: You also have to be careful of what and how you say things to the people of other countries. different towns. It sux, in their view. The attacker was killed after US troops returned fire. In August, General Allen said that approximately 25% of the green-on-blue attacks were due to Taliban infiltration and/or coercion of Afghan forces, according to The New York Times. Sept. 26, 2013: explosive devices. The attackers fled to the Taliban, who claimed that the attackers were from Jalabad in Nangarhar province.

The shootings set off a riot outside the base; shots were fired at the base and fires were set. March 19, 2017: An Afghan soldier opened fire on US troops as they were training Afghan troops on a base in Kandahar. Fled after attack- 36 April 8, 2015: help of NATO, launched an ambitious program to double the size of its army. I realized that the reasons behind these attacks go much deeper than cultural and We are growing the NDS, and sharing resources with them. Paktia – 5 A disturbingly high number of so-called “green-on-blue” attacks, a U.S. military term for Afghan soldiers killing their NATO counterparts, has resulted in 35 deaths in 2011 and 22 so far in mid 2012. In 2008, I went to Helmand

While cultural and personal differences may play a role in the increase in attacks, Taliban infiltration and defections by Afghan security personnel who have decided to ingratiate themselves with the Taliban by attacking NATO forces likely play a far more significant role than NATO official admit. NATO operations in Afghanistan. April 16, 2011: May 30, 2011: those rogue soldiers became lethal enemies after losing a member of their An Afghan policeman standing on a tower hurled a grenade and opened fire on a US military foot patrol as it was returning to a base in Bermel district in Paktika province, killing a US soldier. May 12, 2012: Eight other Afghans were wounded, including four interpreters. In other words, 14,600 families have been displaced, He had been airlifted to France.Died on 27th March 2012. 2010 – 5 Jihadic activities inside the circle of the State militias are the most effective stratagem. Two US military advisers were wounded when an Afghan policeman opened fire on them as they arrived with troops at the Paktia provincial police headquarters in Gardez. An Afghan soldier killed three British troops in Helmand province. That is the easy part. We had to be constantly alert for insider attacks, but we did not walk around with our weapons in a “red status” while doing so. An Afghan soldier opened fire on Coalition forces in the Sayyidabad district in Wardak province. We're currently offline. The Taliban also have claimed to have stepped up efforts at infiltrating the Afghan National Security Forces. Aug. 7, 2012: He was in fact killed by the Aussies he was shooting at. places became the main targets for recruitment of Taliban infiltrators; many of An Afghan soldier attacked ISAF soldiers in Dand district in Kandahar province; no casualties or injuries were reported. June 17, 2017: An Afghan soldier opened fire on US trainers at Afghan National Army’s 209th Shaheen Corps Headquarters in Mazar-i-Sharif in Balkh province, and wounded seven American troops. All Rights Reserved, Green-on-blue attacks in Afghanistan: the data, Observations on Taliban video ‘welcoming’ rogue ANA soldiers, Mullah Omar addresses green-on-blue attacks, were wounded when an Afghan policeman opened fire, escaped from an Afghan detention facility in Kandahar. Sept. 29, 2008: The war is in 12th year and the comments betray, generally, the lack of understanding in the US. A member of the Afghan National Security Forces wounded two NATO troops in a gunfight after an argument at a base on the outskirts of Kabul; the Afghan soldier was shot and killed during the clash. An Afghan Local Policeman wounded one ISAF soldier in an attack at a base in Panjwai district in Kandahar province. Eleven policemen suspects were arrested. Another Day in Paradise, A map showing green on blue attack locations would be useful, You forgot Captain Christophe Schnetterle.He was seriously wounded in Kapisa during an attack by an Afghan Army soldier on a group of French soldiers 20th January 2012. In 2009, Afghanistan’s Defense Ministry, with the portrayed as a religious and cultural problem in which Afghan troops react to An Afghan soldier killed two ISAF soldiers in an attack in Alignar in Laghman province.

2009 – 5 2015 – 3 You can make a tax-deductible donation here. The existential consequences of losing the WoT will make our present economic problems look miniscule. ISAF told The Long War Journal in March 2012 that “these statistics,” the number of attacks that did not result in a casualty, are “classified.”, “[A]ttacks by ANSF on Coalition Forces … either resulting in non-injury, injury or death … these stats as a whole (the total # attacks) are what is classified and not releasable,” Lieutenant Colonel Jimmie Cummings, ISAF’s former Press Desk Chief, told The Long War Journal. tonight.” He had asked his uncle, who was one of the commanders of the Taliban, However, I agree with Feral Jundi. III. If you have better links, or other incidents to report, we will be happy to include them. According to AFP, the attacker shot and killed four unarmed French soldiers and wounded another 15 at their base in Kapisa province, a fifth soldier later died of his wounds. According to an Australian Department of Defense press release, an Australian soldier from the Mentoring Task Force was shot while manning a guard tower at patrol base MASHAL in the Chorah Valley in Uruzgan province by another guard, a soldier from the Afghan army, who fled. The attacker, who is thought to have been killed, was a guard at the airport. Jan. 20, 2012: An Afghan policeman shot and killed two British soldiers in Helmand province.

Feb. 23, 2012: The attacker was killed. @Eric According to The Associated Press, gunmen in Afghan police uniforms opened fire on NATO troops in the Spin Boldak of Kandahar province, killing one Albanian soldier and wounding two international troops, one of whom was Albanian. The attacker fled to the Taliban. Balkh – 3 You would rather train them to fight with you then have to defend yourself against them. The two Afghan soldiers were captured; one was wounded.