For more detailed,, Köppen-Geiger climate classification scheme, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, Legal disclaimer of Dresden University of Technology, Mouse interaction – scroll wheel: zoom in/out, The location’s name. //-->.

It is provided by CustomWeather. The Availability Chart is a detailed tabular representation of the data of the Walter Lieth Climate Chart. Month dew point above 15˚C: The number of months a year where humidity goes above 15˚C. Legal disclaimer of Dresden University of Technology is applied In the default setting, the Walter-Lieth Chart is displayed after generation. temperature and precipitation have a ratio of 1:2 up to a value of 100 mm mean monthly precipitation. High humidity pushes the temperatures above 30 °C all year long, and therefore these locations suffer from precipitation ¾ of the year. In sum: expect to see more water shortages along the lines of Cape Town 2018 and Dehli 2019. The Climate (Averages) City Page shows average weather conditions for each month in any city. uses two different kinds of data sources: Please note that the temperature and precipitation values shown in the diagram are based on Please note that if you reject them, you may not be able to use all the functionalities of the site. The Walter-Lieth Chart contains a number of components, which will be explained in the following: The Walter-Lieth Chart is an easy way to show information about the climatic conditions at a selected location information we recommend the article "Understanding Boxplots" by Michael Galarnyk: By continuing to use our website you consent to all cookies in accordance with our cookie policy. Our database of locations includes thousands of cities worldwide, and we now offer an additional 6 million places via the GeoNames database. is an easy to use web application for the generation of Walter-Lieth climate charts. google_ad_channel =""; Problems? The bottom of the graph shows detailed information for the current month. Yellow: The temperature curve lies above the precipitation curve. The chart visualizes mean monthly temperatures (1) and mean monthly precipitation sum values (2). Laura Zepner, Pierre Karrasch, Felix Wiemann & Lars Bernard (2020) – an interactive climate analysis web platform, International Journal of Digital Earth, You can find it under the map tile (1). Dark blue: The precipitation curve is clearly above the temperature curve (note change in the scaling of the precipitation axis). Yes, our city search engine supports ZIP and postal codes for the United States (5-digit ZIP codes only), Canada (first 3 letters/digits only), Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and Norway. Laura Zepner, Pierre Karrasch, Felix Wiemann & Lars Bernard (2020) – an interactive climate analysis web platform, International Journal of Digital Earth, Depending on your printer and browser settings you can print out our weather reports. google_ad_width = 728; Basically, We do have other API services for our own data. Europe has a climate that is mostly influenced by the surrounding seas, the Alpine mountains and by influences from the Arctic. graphic also allows you to easily edit the data (e.g. An overview of the hottest, coldest, wettest, and windiest months, and annual rainfall in the city, based on averages typically from the last 30 years. No, we do not own the copyright for the weather data. So that tomorrow's Madrid becomes today's Fez and 2050 Stockholm looks like 2019 Budapest. has been an internationally recognized source of data for the study of observed variability The actual range is displayed on top of the table for each city. Weather conditions may differ there. You can also see that you have selected a station by the note "Climate Station" in the popup (2). There are obviously a great number of other cities that could have been included in our ranking to make it more competitive. classes according to Köppen-Geiger, the altitude and the selected time period (4). Compare City Climates!

This website uses cookies. "That means there will be new political challenges, new infrastructure challenges, that we have not faced before.". Laura Zepner, Pierre Karrasch, Felix Wiemann & Lars Bernard (2020) – an interactive climate analysis web platform, International Journal of Digital Earth, This popup also contains information about the name of the place you have selected (3) as well as information Since the early 1990s the Global Historical Climatology Network-Monthly (GHCN-M) dataset coloring). Climate of the world. Contact: map in blue (1). For this purpose, a slider for adjusting the period (1) is available.

Elevation is based on SRTM data and only available between 60° northern We've rebuilt the entire site! Month-by-month average weather conditions in the selected location.

Last year, an IPCC report described the catastrophic consequences of allowing average global temperatures to exceed 1.5°C warming above pre-industrial levels – but it can be hard to imagine what a world in which we fail to do so actually looks like. Click on the icon depicting a gear wheel on the right side near the top of the page and make a selection in the Temperature menu. You can find more information about the datasets in the menu "Datasets & Software". Station Data. A typical good day would be from 18 °C and 30 °C, sunny with no rain, and low or normal humidity. Clickable index map. The 2019 STC Climate index ranks 190 world cities based on the livability of their weather. to remove non-climatic influences that can bias the observed temperature record. Walther-Lieth Climate Chart (see 2.1)