In the midst of his court-ordered community service at the local cemetery, he’s trying to escape the demons of his past. Declan Murphy is the sort of guy you wouldn't want to cross. Where did all of this love and affection come from?

In the midst of his court-ordered community service at the local cemetery, he's trying to escape the demons of his past.

There were a lot of interesting aspects to the story, but I struggle with frustrating/unlikable characters.

It's hard for me to love a book when I can't identify with the people I'm reading about, but that doesn't mean it wasn't an accurate portrayal. Sorry to hear this wasn't a great read for you.

It's the only way Juliet can cope. "We are a triangle, but our sides have kept changing length. It’s the only way Juliet can cope. In the midst of his court-ordered community service at the local cemetery, he’s trying to escape the demons of his past. Cover and title suits the book like second skin and the cover is so beautiful and heart warming. In the midst of his court-ordered community service at the local cemetery, he’s trying to escape the demons of his past. (★★★☆☆). But neither Declan nor Juliet knows that they’re not actually strangers. There are 100% chances that I’m gonna re-read this book many times. When life at school interferes with their secret life of letters, sparks will fly as Juliet and Declan discover truths that might tear them apart. I thought they were very judgmental and unwilling to look past rumors and gossip. They're both argumentative and abrasive in their interactions, but then suddenly she'd "walk into fire if he asked right now." Even after her mother's death, she leaves letters at her grave. It's the only thing that helps Juliet cope.

She/her. Right off the bat Juliet has a thought that made me stop and take notes. Choctaw. This isn't Lori'... My Weekly Pull is something I do every Wednesday to show which comics I had pulled for me that week! 19, Statt 9.50 € About Letters to the Lost. I adored it.

Mom. Alan felt the need to challenge Declan, Alan constantly put Declan down, unfairly compared him to his father, challenged him on.

Soon, he’s opening up to a perfect stranger, and their connection is immediate. THREE YEARS?! My Weekly Pull [134] & Can't-Wait Wednesday [109]. Thorough Review!Lindy@ A Bookish Escape. Nothing has ever quite been equal. Great review to state your case. When Declan reads a haunting letter left beside a grave, he can’t resist writing back. That kind of thing is generally a bit of a red line for me. I just didn't agree with some of the choices the characters made. I wish she'd been better about how she perceived others.

There were no consequences for people's actions, when there definitely should have been. You might think that sounds harsh, but she had similar thoughts about her father. Thank you! I'm sorry this book didn't work for you. I can see where you struggled with the unrealistic ending, and everything being wrapped up in a neat bow! The characters were complex, but I found them to be more frustrating than endearing. I've heard it's better, but I also liked him more than Juliet and Declan. No.

The characters really do sound horrible! Emotions are portrayed with such ease and effectiveness that I really felt what the characters were going through.

Sorry you had some issues, but not every book is for every person. There was too much between them–too much anger and hurt–for them to just simply forget and move on. When Declan reads a haunting letter left beside a grave, he can’t resist writing back. Exactly! Back to Juliet... she was so hot and cold when it came to Declan. Schon beim Aktivieren werden Daten an Dritte übertragen – siehe, Wenn Sie diese Felder durch einen Klick aktivieren, werden Informationen an Facebook, Twitter oder Google in die USA übertragen und unter Umständen auch dort gespeichert.

I liked the story itself, but not how it concluded. The connecting of different plots before ending the book was really commendable. They were both selfish characters that constantly made bad decisions, and I just couldn't relate to them. Sorry it didn't work for you. When Declan reads a haunting letter left beside a grave, he can’t resist writing back. It's difficult for me to like a book when I don't like the characters.

I have to agree with you on this one. She did like it more than me, but I didn't hate it! She didn't like people talking about her and what she was going through, but she was quick to throw the first stone. Change ). All of the characters were so complex and I was engrossed with watching how their journey unfolded.

From what I could tell, he had always been there for her, and she was the one that pushed him away for not being "good enough." Rev is one of my favorite fictional characters and I loved getting his story in the follow up book. I liked the story as a whole, but disliked the characters themselves. WELTBILD und Partner brauchen Ihre Zustimmung (Klick auf, 2 Klicks für mehr Datenschutz: Erst wenn Sie hier klicken, wird der Button aktiv und Sie können Ihre Empfehlung an Facebook senden. I'm not saying they weren't attracted to each other, because in a really convoluted way, they were. Juliet and Declan couldn’t seem more different if they tried. The story though doesn’t seem to be something different but it’s unique in the way it’s written. Sorry this one didn't work for you. I loved them both (the second more than the first).

When Declan reads a haunting letter left beside a grave, he can't resist writing back. I haven't changed my mind on wanting to read it now I've read your thoughts but I'm braced for even more issues than I initially thought there'd be! I added this to my amazon wishlist after reading Karen's thoughts on it. Do you prefer hardcovers or paperback copies? Declan Murphy isn’t the sort of guy you want to cross. It's not that it didn't work for me, I just didn't like the way Juliet treated her dad, or the way she and her friends talked about others (mostly Declan and Rev). Unfortunately, the characters were just too frustrating for me to like. Juliet rarely stood up for or defended them (only once that I can remember), because she was often thinking the same thing. It’s a beautiful coming of age story that gave me so many feels.

We're definitely the minority, haha.

UGH, I hated almost everyone in this book. Juliet Young has always written letters to her mother, a world-traveling photojournalist. If I don't like the characters, I struggle with the story.

It's just the frustrating, judgmental types that irk me. :), wow...that was a long review and i love that you shared so much. Welcome to the next stop on the Sources Say  blog tour, hosted by the lovely  Rockstar Book Tours .

It's a personal preference.

I struggle with characters who seem petty and engage in small selfish cruelties even in their thoughts so I get why she was not winning you with this one.

Declan Murphy isn’t the sort of guy you want to cross. Why were they so callous and cruel? Very in depth and great review. Soon, he’s opening up to a perfect stranger, and their connection is immediate. Someone who has, Later she wants to blame Declan for something because of who she, I also loathed Alan (Declan's stepfather) and Abby (his mother). Letters to the Lost is a stunning story about grief, moving on, and seeing past the ordinary. Great review! Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. This was the first book I read by this author and I read it because I was going to buddy read book #2 with Nicole from FYFA. I did like Rev and Declan, but I think the two of them really need to talk about their issues before they're swallowed by them. You might be thinking I hated this book, but that's not necessarily true. Ithad same enthusiasm and secrecy and darkness throughout the book which made it interesting.

Unfortunately, the story is neatly wrapped by the end, and that's the part that felt unrealistic to me. They all failed in one way or another. I hated her. Same. lolsherry @ fundinmental. Everything seems to be just a bit inconsequential. Declan was understandably angry, but his home situation needed more resolution and not a pretty bow. I just couldn't see myself being this judgmental and self-absorbed.

Schreiben Sie den ersten Kommentar zu "Letters to the Lost". Letters to the Lost Author: Brigid Kemmerer Genre: Young Adult Contemporary Romance Publisher: Bloomsbury USA Childrens Published: April 4, 2017 Pages: 391 My Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ Juliet Young always writes letters to her mother, a world-traveling photojournalist. I need to try this one as well now. He was totally gaslighted, and definitely deserved better than he got. Lover of books and fuzzy socks. Declan Murphy isn’t the sort of guy you want to cross. Kemmerer does create very realistic characters, but I couldn't relate the ones in this book. They were so aptly described that I could imagine everything as was going without feeling that the story is being dragged. Declan specially became my favorite instantly as he is the dark secret whose unraveling over the story was remarkable. It was a good book! I really didn't like Juliet or agree with her thoughts and actions.

If Declan's stepfather and mother had been held accountable for their actions (maybe if Frank or Rev's parents had told someone), then I might have liked this one more. She did idolize her mom, and I think her being away from home so much made her seem less real? Declan Murphy isn't the sort of guy you want to cross. It's a bummer, but like you said, not every book is for every person. Letters to the Lost – Brigid Kemmerer – Bloomsbury Children’s – Published 6 April 2017 ♥♥♥♥♥ Synopsis. Juliet Young always writes letters to her mother, a world-traveling photojournalist.

I can like and appreciate the story, understand their motives and rationalizations, but that doesn't mean I agree with them. Declan is a bad boy, and Juliet is a good student, into photography, and outgoing. She was a jerk (about a lot of things and I never really *liked* her) but I felt like she idolized her mom so much and was trying to come to terms with that and maybe even blamed him a bit??? in fact i love to hate them sometimes.

I am glad the characters felt and acted authentic even if they were unlikable. Do You want people to point out the flaws in your reviews? I have so many questions, so I hope they're answered in the next one.

In the midst of his court-ordered community service doing landscaping at the local cemetery, he is holding inside ghosts … I adored Rev, so I'm looking forward to seeing his POV in the second book. I hated the characters. If we talk about the characters, wow, how amazingly they are written and what a beautiful development. They go to the same high school, but they don’t run in the same crowds. Or she used to be, until she lost I also didn't like how Declan was treated by his mother and stepfather, and thought the ending was a little too tidy and convenient.

I still need to read A Curse So Dark and Lonely & A Heart So Fierce and Broken by her, I'm keeping my fingers crossed I like.Jen @ Star-Crossed Book Blog, I'm happy this one was a win for you! They were so abusive.

I don't want people to assume I didn't like the book, because I did. And I am not disappointed at all.