In an attempt to understand the Crystal's purpose, he wanted to track down the person who initially constructed the Crystal, Brother Varlos, former member of the Darksmith Collective. The Doctor and Mason went into Ana Comparetto's house, and the Doctor prematurely awoke a shrunken Ulian robot with the sonic screwdriver. To help track them down, he constructed a device that went "ding" in their presence, along with many additional features. (COMIC: Supremacy of the Cybermen), The Doctor, Gabby, and Cindy visited the road to Parthia in 111, and stopped the Zoroniss from taking over the world. (COMIC: The Glutonoid Menace), The Doctor dons his 3D specs to identify "Void stuff". (TV: Midnight) Adelaide Brooke went so far as to kill herself in defiance to the Doctor's self-declared status as the "Time Lord Victorious", despite him initially convincing her to trust him. Oh, but then... he will knock four times." The Doctor tricked their queen into devouring Donna, a time traveller, which sent the Imago back to their own dimension and released everyone they had devoured, including Donna. (PROSE: Loose Wire) He did not identify himself as a "cat person". (COMIC: Windswept), The Doctor and Donna stopped the anti-robot Cult of Shining Darkness from carrying out their plans, but at the cost of the cultists being caught in an explosion. On board the Master's airship, the Valiant, the Doctor discovered his TARDIS had been turned into a paradox machine. When the Ch'otterai tried to threaten him into taking it to the Land of Fiction, the Doctor tricked it into entering the TARDIS, where it was destroyed by the TARDIS's powerful imagination. Maxwell declined, instead opting to protect Stockbridge from aliens. (COMIC: The Greed of the Gavulav), Intending to visit Professor Vexor on planet Flexella, the Doctor and Heather took a train through the Fluxos desert, where they encountered a Flexellan Octopod.

With this, the Doctor travelled to every Christmas between 1920 and 2007, protecting the Wake family. However, though he was able to set his younger counterpart on the path to joining with the Voord, his plot was undone by Gabby being sent back in time by a Weeping Angel and giving her younger self a warning. Some people live more in twenty years than others do in eighty.

Taking Chan's nephew, Li, to investigate, the Doctor found the spirits under the command of a stone monkey and his governor. (TV: Last of the Time Lords) He could also hypnotise people with a Venusian Lullaby. Majenta and the Doctor tried to escape in the TARDIS, but failed when Intersol launched a tractor beam. (TV: 42) He also quickly recovered from being knocked unconscious, able to carry on with the matter at hand with no sign of concussion, (TV: The Idiot's Lantern, The Satan Pit, Forest of the Dead) and speedily recovered from being stabbed in his left heart, although he needed Martha to strike his back a few times before he could move properly again. Afterwards, the Doctor was ordered into helping Majenta to resolve her memory issues, reluctantly taking her aboard the TARDIS. With the Preachers, the Doctor returned to his universe. Reuniting with Rose, the Doctor warned her that he felt a "storm" coming when she said that no-one would ever separate them. After leaving the hospital, the Doctor tracked down Martha at a family gathering to offer her one trip in time as a way of expressing gratitude for her assistance. At the end of the upcoming 10th season, Capaldi will wrap up his three-season run as the time-traveling, human-loving protector of the universe, the 12th official regeneration of the Doctor. Majenta quickly decided to leave with her bills unpaid, but the Doctor prevented her escape. (COMIC: The Ghost Factory), The Doctor next took Heather to Sky City, a hovering city and the showpiece of Earth's civilisation in the 453rd century.

(TV: The Shakespeare Code) The Doctor could also take the direct force of a lightning strike for several seconds, the bolt only knocking him out for a few minutes, (TV: Evolution of the Daleks) and also withstood a powerful blast of electricity from the Wire, able to keep holding on to the transmitter despite her striking him several times. Because they had run out of stories, the world intended to make the Doctor and Martha join them as they had new stories to tell.

The Doctor began to lightly wake in the real world, surrounded by dead duplicates of his previous incarnations. (TV: Daleks in Manhattan). (TV: Time Crash) He also considered the Third Doctor to be "brilliant". The Doctor and the Brigadier, with an army of Brigadier clones the Doctor created with technology at the Slough, returned to the Earth to defeat the demon hordes and free Yates from the Crown's control. (PROSE: Cuckoo-Spit), The Doctor next took Rose to Phostris to meet the first humans in history who travelled through hyperspace. (TV: The End of Time), The Doctor's twelfth regeneration. (TV: The Day of the Doctor) Realising what was about to happen was connected to the outcome of the Time War, (PROSE: The Day of the Doctor) the Tenth Doctor ordered both Queens away and he and the Eleventh Doctor tried to use their sonic screwdrivers at the same time to reverse the polarity of the wormhole, only for the War Doctor to enter the scene. However, the Doctor proved that the Slitheen children had stowed away aboard the TARDIS of their own free will. (COMIC: Warriors' Revenge), The Doctor became incapacitated by the green mists of Orion's Belt, forcing Martha to drive the TARDIS. As events from decades before replayed in holographic form, the Doctor learnt that Majenta had been a guest at the party as Wesley's fiancée. (COMIC: Onomatopoeia), After that, the Doctor took Majenta to see the play The Mousetrap. The Doctor and his TARDIS, which was now impersonating most of the Doctor's past companions, fought Autons, Eight Legs and Clockwork Droids, and the Doctor seemingly killed Es'Cartrss. The two were taken to the Imperial Palace of the first Emperor, Qin Shi Huang, who had become a cyborg. (TV: The Unicorn and the Wasp) His observation skills proved superior to the Master, noticing that one of his guards was a little too tall to be an exact copy of him. High Quality Product, looks great on my bookshelf, Reviewed in the United Kingdom on September 19, 2018. ), The Doctor and Rose later came under attack from skeletons in a graveyard. (COMIC: Old Friend). (TV: New Earth, Forest of the Dead), He was also something of a hypocrite; calling Colonel Mace undiplomatic for calling the Sontarans "trolls", only to begin antagonising them himself mere seconds afterwards, (TV: The Poison Sky) claiming he would not allow Strackman Lux's pride to cost lives while refusing to sign Lux's contract for the same reason, (TV: Silence in the Library) and being offended when Malcolm Taylor hung up on him, despite him previously doing the same to Malcolm. Urging the Jones' against descending to his level for revenge, the Doctor planned to imprison the Master in the TARDIS, but Lucy Saxon, the Master's human wife, shot him, and the Master refused to regenerate in an act of defiance against the Doctor, and died in his arms. During this adventure, a word-rider flew inside the Doctor's body. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on July 13, 2017. As he was doing that, he had a vision of the Fourth Doctor being imprisoned by the Daleks and forced to try and move the Cathedral. (COMIC: A Stitch in Time) However, Donna failed to make it, being "saved" into the Library's Data Core instead. The Doctor then went on to embrace the title of "Time Lord Victorious" and became a dictator "whose rule fixed a broken cosmos". (TV: The Unicorn and the Wasp), Whilst dealing with a small dinosaur situation, the Doctor found the time to give William Shakespeare a hand writing The Tempest. According to an interview on Parkinson, Tennant and Russell T Davies got the idea for the tenth incarnation's costume from an outfit Jamie Oliver had worn on Parkinson just after Tennant had taken the role of the Doctor. The Enochai trapped Central London in a force field. (PROSE: The Price of Paradise) Some would even come to his defence when others thought he was a threat or a nuisance to the public. Though he couldn't save the others' lives, the Doctor brought the consciousness of Ursula Blake back, but stuck as a face on piece of concrete.

(TV: Midnight), The Doctor and Donna visited the leisure planet Midnight (planet)Midnight, where Donna stayed at the Leisure Palace, whilst the Doctor took a four-hour ride on the Crusader 50 bus to the Sapphire Waterfall. When he did this, Gideon and the rest of the villagers began transforming into bestial forms. ), Investigating futuristic skyscrapers in Milan in 1925, the Doctor and Rose met Roman legion Valente and returned him to 3rd century Wales, also taking Altea Orsi aboard the TARDIS. After giving a heart-felt speech of appreciation to the Fifth Doctor, the Doctors' TARDISes separated and the two parted ways. Find answers in product info, Q&As, reviews.