EDUARDO KAC -- BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE Eduardo Kac is internationally recognized for his telepresence and bio art. Les artistes dont l'oeuvre implique la transformation directe d'organismes vivants ou la création de nouvelles formes de vie devraient prendre conscience que leurs efforts ne se rapportent  plus clairement au domaine bien défini de l'objet mais à celui plus fluide et plus complexe du sujet. (10) See grant proposal submitted to the Daniel Langlois Foundation by Eduardo Kac (January 31, 2000). Quand il conçoit un dispositif technique de réalité virtuelle qui permet d’être une chauve-souris parmi les chauve-souris (Darker than Night, 1999), il propose moins une réfutation savante du philosophe Thomas Nagel (1974) qu’une expérience culturelle des interfaces entre homme et chauve-souris. A pioneer of telecommunications art in the pre-Web '80s, Eduardo Kac emerged in the early '90s with his radical works combining telerobotics and living organisms. See : At the dawn of the twenty-first century Kac opened a new direction for contemporary art with his “transgenic art”–first with a groundbreaking transgenic work entitled Genesis (1999), which included an “artist’s gene” he invented, and then with his fluorescent rabbit called Alba (2000). Part of a video produced by Bruno Vianna in which Eduardo Kac critically reviews eight of his works.

Kac’s various projects toured widely, and he frequently lectured and wrote about the theoretical foundations of his work. to genetic code to create a living being. Though Kac claimed to have commissioned the rabbit, the French National Agronomic Institute (INRA), which owned it, had actually, of its own volition, created multiple rabbits that expressed the protein. Updates? GFP was a common tool in cellular research; cells of a certain type could be engineered to express the protein and thus would be more easily visible. Eduardo Kac is internationally recognized for his telepresence and bio art. Britton, S. and  Collins, D. (2003) The Eighth Day. Biography. Le bio art ne doit pas se concevoir  comme limité à ce que l'on comprend et ce que l'on sait faire aujourd'hui, il s'agit plutôt d'un principe général de création littéralement basée sur la vie. Attribution-ShareAlike Creative Commons License. the genetic manipulations of scientists and industrialists who patent Transgenic work with artist-created bacteria, ultraviolet light, Visitors to the exhibit could don a headset connected to the camera and experience the view inside the aviary. Il faut clairement distinguer le bio art de l'art qui utilise exclusivement des media traditionnels ou numériques pour traiter de thèmes biologiques, comme c'est le cas d'une peinture ou d'une sculpture représentant un chromosome ou d'une photo numérique suggérant des enfants clonés. Kac's current and recent shows Inner Telescope (New York) Inner Telescope (Chicago) Inner Telescope (Rio de Janeiro) Inner Telescope (Berlin) Inner Telescope Minitel Works. on an ultraviolet light that triggers mutations in the bacterium. Eduardo Kac is represented by Numeriscausa, Paris, Black Box Gallery, Linz and Laura Marsiaj Arte Contemporânea, Rio de Janeiro. ), "Ethologie et ethnologie: une synthèse prometteuse" [Ethology and ethnology: the coming synthesis], Information sur les Sciences Sociales,Vol 45 (2), SAGE Publications (London, Thousand Oaks, CA and New Delhi), 2006, 311-316.

genetic code of an albino rabbit, which gave it the property of becoming Eduardo Kac, (born July 3, 1962, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), Brazilian American artist who was best known for his works featuring genetically altered organisms in ways that frequently had conceptual or symbolic import. Genesis demonstrates what other works His work deals with issues that range from the mythopoetics of online experience (Uirapuru) to the cultural impact of biotechnology (Genesis); from the changing condition of memory in the digital age (Time Capsule) to distributed collective agency (Teleporting an Unknown State); from the problematic notion of the “exotic” (Rara Avis) to the creation of life and evolution (GFP Bunny).   transferring between reality, technology and language (the Au début des années 80, il s’adonne à la performance et présente chaque semaine une série de performances publiques… Eduardo Kac Biography. Biography. Eduardo Kac (Rio de Janeiro, 3 de julho de 1962 [2]) é um artista contemporâneo e pioneiro da arte digital, arte holográfica, arte da telepresença e bioarte Histórico. (Tokyo), Julia Friedman Gallery (Chicago), Museum of Modern Art (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), the ARCO art fair (Madrid), Yokohama Triennale This biography is from Wikipedia under an Attribution-ShareAlike Creative Commons License.

Spotted a problem? In 1997, Kac sent shockwaves across the world by becoming the first human to implant a digital microchip through his work Time Capsule. Again mixing conceptual and performance art, Kac centred the project on a rabbit engineered to express the green fluorescent protein (GFP) from the jellyfish Aequoria victoria. dō kăts] (1962) is a Brazilian-American contemporary artist and professor whose artworks that span a wide range of practices, including performance art, poetry, holography, interactive art, telematic art and transgenic art. Eduardo Kac is an artist and writer who works with electronic and photonic media, including telepresence, holography, computers, video, robotics, and the Internet, as well as biological systems, such as animals, plants, bacteria, and organic tissue. He was a research editor with Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc. from 2008 to 2016 and worked on Britannica Blog from 2010... Get exclusive access to content from our 1768 First Edition with your subscription. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. One such event took place in 1982 on Ipanema Beach during the 60th anniversary of Brazil's Week of Modern Art of 1922. Ils inventent aussi de toute nouvelles entités et relations. La NASA les utilisera-t-elle pour nourrir les colons de Mars, comme le suggère la recherche spatiale? He termed these endeavours “bio art” or “ transgenic art.” Kac began staging performance art pieces in Rio de Janeiro as a teenager. (Tempe: ISA/ASU — New York: DAP, 2003) and Eduardo Kac (Valencia: IVAM, 2007). Collection of the artist In the early eighties, he cultivated a career in performance art, presenting a series of weekly public performances. Le bio art s'ouvre sur toute une gamme de processus de vie et d'entités, de la molécule d'ADN et du plus petit virus au mammifère le plus gros et au cours de son évolution. Le bio art utilise invariablement une ou plusieurs des approches suivantes: 1) amener de la biomatière à des formes inertes ou à des comportements spécifiques; 2) utiliser de façon inhabituelle ou subversive des outils et des processus biotechnologiques; 3) inventer ou transformer des organismes vivants avec ou sans intégration sociale ou environnementale.

Dans ce qui est un manifeste de l'art génétique, Steichen affirme que " la science de l'hérédité, appliquée à la reproduction des plantes, qui a pour but ultime la recherche esthétique de la beauté, est un art créatif" (cité par Gedrim, 1993).