Your email address will not be published. Cross breeding plants has allowed for advances and improvements in foods. Claiming the patent rights is another problem that has cropped up for the genetically modified organisms which are created for meeting food and medicinal requirements. One is the claim that genetically engineered crops are the only way to feed the world. I think, even though GMOs have a negative impact on the human race, it also solves a vast problem that might be raised in its absence. Another ethical issue around GM crops is our ability to contain them in a specific area. All rights reserved |. Here is why it is important: Any new organism that has been engineered or modified should be tested for safety before it is sold to the public as food. In the 1990’s, when these companies began supplying seeds for crops modified to either tolerate or produce pesticides, it was a huge benefit for farmers who could now save time, money, and produce more crops. Focus for Health does not accept monetary donations of any kind. When seed technologies developed that allowed them to kill weeds and insects without destroying their crops, or to use less money on chemicals to do the job, many farmers understandably took advantage of these scientific advancements. See also an introduction to GMOs, GMOs - environmental concerns, GMOs - health concerns, and GMOs - the future. There are a number of ethical concerns over genetically modified (GM) foods and these have all affected public support of the products. However, as it has not caused a zombie apocalypse or another Black Plague, I personally see no issue with what he's saying. By incorporating beta-carotene into a rice grain, scientists from Syngenta intended to help malnourished people who were suffering from Vitamin A deficiency. The GM businesses have bought out the seed companies, thus controlling seed availability. At the end of each harvest, the farmer could save some of the excess product to plant the next season. They can reduce or destroy crops, affecting profit and farm survival. My ethical concern is equity between those who use GMOs and those using organic .can those who use gmos be better than others who use organic. GMO Impact on Health. It said that yields of GM crops were ‘highly variable’ and in some cases in decline. GMO, as most of us know it, stands for Genetically Modified Organism, and has come to stand for crops that have had their genes modified in a way that could not have happened through cross pollination. Thanx. For instance, those people in some developing countries can't survive if GMOs are burned. Through campaigning, advice, community work and research, our aim is to get everyone growing ‘the organic way’. Concerns range from the environment to risks to our food web or issues concerning disease, allergies and contamination. Here is an example: Modified Farm has planted patented-seed crops, and its neighbor, Old McDonald Farm, has not. but there not very ethical and are more environmental rather than ethical. As organic growers and suppliers – the more we understand the subject, the greater strength we have in order to influence safety regulations, to prevent contamination, and to encourage governments to support growers and farmers to use other less invasive crop cultivation. A win-win. Should farms that use patented seeds be responsible for containing their crops? Many people turn controversial arguments around the use of GMOs. Along with our sister organisation, the Soil Association, we also encourage agroecology - organic agriculture where natural organisms thrive through their interdependency, and soil is cared for by natural manures, not chemical fertilisers. A report in 2008, conducted by over 400 international scientists and sponsored by the World Bank and United Nations, did not endorse GM crops as a solution to world hunger. Share Your Story, Join the Discussion or Seek Advice.. The farmer owned these seeds and the product of them. Pesticides are associated with increased risk for diabetes, obesity, heart disease, celiac disease, and certain cancers. According to NPIC, “Although the EPA regulates and monitors several drinking water contaminants, many pesticides are not regulated contaminants.”. The problem began when patented seeds were grown in proximity to non-patented seeds. In turn, this could lead to an allergic reaction. These undesirable factors include weeds that can compete for nutrition and light sources, insects and rodents that eat food crops, and fungus or other microbes that can destroy the harvest. Sprayed pesticides can drift onto or into water sources, sensitive wildlife populations, and human populated areas where they should not be. Another ethical issue around GM crops is our ability to contain them in a specific area. The issues are complex. Unfortunately, that year, the plants that Old McDonald Farm planted cross pollinated with the patented-seed crops from Modified Farm. The current testing for traditional, modified, and engineered foods is the same, even though about 80% of food contains some type of modification. This GM rice has taken nearly 20 years to produce, has cost millions of dollars, gives poor yields and has had negligible increase in the beta carotene levels within the grain. Many reporters don’t fully understand that the discussion surrounding GMO use would more appropriately be related to safety testing, and the effects that GMOs have had on our environment and health. Required fields are marked *. There are all too many failures of genetically engineered crops. Given that a gene could be extracted from an allergenic organism and placed into another one that typically does not cause allergies, a person may unknowingly be exposed to an allergen. Here’s the catch…while GMOs are not inherently harmful, their facilitation of pesticides likely is.

In the GMO debate, consumers are often told that GMOs are not harmful to humans. This is understandable from the company’s point of view – they produced an improved product that they expect to make a return on. In 2012, the ETC group reported that just 10 companies controlled 75% of global seed sales. Studies are ongoing into the many ethical concerns around GM foods but these are not conclusive and have thus far shown very mixed results. Even if we ignore the environmental and health concerns for GM crops, there are other issues which give rise to concern. Emerging effects of large scale pesticide usage: There are many different types of pesticides, and not all of them hold the same toxicity, therefore their effects can greatly vary. See World Hunger statistics. ", Plz use the justify function for the good of humanity, really helpful, easy to understand and good information, Very good Pieces of information, just what I like to hear! We should really be calling GMOs ‘Genetically Engineered Organisms’, because even those plants that have been modified naturally through cross pollination could be considered to be a modified product. Pesticides are chemicals aimed at killing anything that interferes with growth of crops.

Concerns range from the environment to risks to our food web or issues concerning disease, allergies and contamination. Some of these products are necessary, but be sure to read all labels prior to use. who is the author of this article and when was it published? It is not necessarily a problem that our crops are genetically modified. For this argument, we have to redefine the term GMO. Is “The Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act” Keeping Consumers in the Dark? The other is the control of the world’s food supply by just a …

With widespread antibiotic resistance currently already occurring, any new resistance could prove disastrous.

In one North American study, caterpillars of the monarch butterfly were killed when they fed on pollen from GM corn crops.

It allows for bigger, more colorful produce, and grows heartier plants against disease and pests. With some GM crops having antibiotic-resistant marker genes, there is also the worry that these genes could be passed on to microbes that cause disease and health problems in humans. I have no problem with it as long as there is equity between the two, I think GMOs are stupid we need to use what we have available and stop killing the human race, loved it for school was amazing!!! Farmers are no longer able to save seeds from year to year. Our charity brings together thousands of people who share a common belief - that organic growing is essential for a healthy and sustainable world.