(He was 51 in 1970). x�b```f``�����������X�����R� ����wY�~);�1�r�``�M�n�>��>�����C��}ּx1[�tE����K�L~���a��D���v�.�rU��{��\�����k_���ռ�i�u�;�)/��_sK�N�� ��XF�FAA���0CH$$(� FLQ members practised propaganda of the deed and issued declarations that called for a socialist insurrection against oppressors identified with “Anglo-Saxon” imperialism, [10] the overthrow of the Quebec governmentthe independence of Quebec from Canada and the establishment of a French-speaking Quebecer “workers’ society”. DA LI ANDROIDI SANJAJU ELEKTRINE OVCE PDF. The median annual salary of the textile workers was of 5,225$ for men and 3,270$ for women. It is not clear which tax they were referring to here. Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism, https://english.republiquelibre.org/index.php?title=Manifesto_of_the_Front_de_libération_du_Québec&oldid=11880.

The guys of Murdochville are familiar with this justice; they know lots of reasons. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. This is pathetically true. The Front de Libération du Québec is not an aggressive movement, but a response to the aggression organized by high finance through its puppets, the federal and provincial governments (the Brinks farce 1, Bill 63, the electoral map 2, the so-called "social progress" tax 3, the Power Corporation, medical insurance - for the doctors 4, the guys at Lapalme 5...). The strike of the Gaspé Copper-Noranda miners of Murdochville in March-October 1957 degenerated into violent confrontations between the strikers and the scabs protected by the provincial police and private guards. Badly needed to repress other municipal strikes, they were ordered back to work with a special act of parliament and promises of salary increases.

Over 100,000 French translations of English words and phrases. We live in a society of terrorized slaves, terrorized by the big bosses, Steinberg, Clark, Bronfman, Smith, Neopole, Timmins, Geoffrion, J.L. This would be an allusion to rumours launched by the Ottawa Citizen on why Pierre Trudeau was still single at his age. Le Vaisseau d'or (Ship of Gold), named after the poem of Émile Nelligan, is a venue restaurant launched by the mayor of Montreal Jean Drapeau. 3. The FLQ supported this workers' struggle by bombing a good number of mailboxes and even made the rehiring of the Lapalme workers a condition to the release of their hostage, James Richard Cross.

xref Most of these individuals were also released by. Take what belongs to you, your jobs, your determination and your freedom.

In , the RRQ claimed a membership of people. Pierre Trudeau, then Prime Minister, refused. The October Crisis, The October Crisis of Canada’s Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeauin his statement to the press during the October Crisis, admitted that the radicalism occurring in Quebec at this time had bred out of social unease due to imperfect legislation. They demanded the construction of the wood transformation factory they had been promised. Yes, there are reasons why you, Mr. Lachance of St. Marguerite Street, go drowning your despair, your bitterness, and your rage in Molson's horse piss. On April 1st 1970, Lapalme lost its contract with Canada Post. It conducted a number of attacks between 1963 and 1970, which totalled over 160 violent incidents and killed eight people and injured many more. The workers at Dupont of Canada know some reasons too, even if they will soon be able to express them only in English (thus assimilated, they will swell the number of New Quebeckers, the immigrants who are the darlings of Bill 63). In the four corners of Quebec, may those who have been disdainfully called lousy Frenchmen and alcoholics begin a vigorous battle against those who have muzzled liberty and justice; may they put out of commission all the professional holdup artists and swindlers: bankers, businessmen, judges and corrupt political wheeler-dealers.... We are Quebec workers and we are prepared to go all the way. 0000002017 00000 n These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent.

By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. We must struggle not individually but together, till victory is obtained, with every means at our disposal, like the Patriots of 1837-1838 (those whom Our Holy Mother Church hastened to excommunicate, the better to sell out to British interests). Canadian federalism pursues a reckless import policy, thereby throwing out of work the people who earn low wages in the textile and shoe industries, the most downtrodden people in Quebec 15, and all to line the pockets of a handful of filthy "money-makers" in Cadillacs.

16. Patrick’s Day parade too English, says sovereignist group”. `% ;�!�)�A��:��\�}�N3Y3��z��a�(��CZ���1�adg��8��"C%�q��|�5� 4e`��H3�5@� ��e� Long live the Quebec Revolution! We are terrorized by the Roman Capitalist Church, though it seems less and less so today (who owns the square where the Stock Exchange was built? On September 13,events were held in Quebec to commemorate the anniversary of the Battle of the Plains of Abraham. The FLQ vandalized them and in some parts one could read: "Visitez les slums!". The Front de Libération du Québec finances itself - through voluntary taxes 6 levied on the enterprises that exploit the workers (banks, finance companies, etc....). 0000004739 00000 n The Front de Libération du Québec wants total independence for Quebeckers; it wants to see them united in a free society, a society purged for good of its gang of rapacious sharks, the big bosses who dish out patronage and their henchmen, who have turned Quebec into a private preserve of cheap labour and unscrupulous exploitation. There would have been 800 attacks and 42 scabs injured.

The manifesto was issued by the Front de Libération du Québec and read over CBC/Radio-Canada on October 8, 1970 as a condition for the release of kidnapped British trade official James Cross. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Speech pronounced at the Centre Paul-Sauvé, in Montréal, the night of the Liberals victory. We've had enough of a Canadian federalism which penalizes the dairy farmers of Quebec to satisfy the requirements of the Anglo-Saxons of the Commonwealth of Nations; which keeps the honest taxi drivers of Montreal in a state of semi-slavery by shamefully protecting the exclusive monopoly of the nauseating Murray Hill, and its owner - the murderer Charles Hershorn and his son Paul who, the night of October 7, repeatedly tore a .22 rifle out of the hands of his employees to fire on the taxi drivers and thereby mortally wounded Corporal Dumas, killed as a demonstrator. This may have led to a more socialist FLQ attitude. Le manifeste du FLQ (Segment) | CVE.