in dying, bleaching and printing etc. keeping it longer between your next purchase. In the past 35 years, cotton yields have risen 42%, largely due to biotechnology and better irrigation techniques. They can breathe in these chemicals and touch them with their skin, which can lead to a range of health issues and sickness, and sometimes death. Saving Of Freshwater Resources & Less Contribution To Water Scarcity – if organic farming practices that result in better soil retention and more efficient water use leads to overall reduced water use, especially from irrigated water, then this results in water conservation and helps address water scarcity concerns. Séralini et al . … farmers profit from organic agriculture, mainly due to soil improvements, through reduced exposure to toxic chemicals and lower input costs, which in turn reduces dependency on money lenders. Doesn’t Currently Have The Subsidisation Protection Regular Cotton Does In Some Countries – regular cotton benefits from heavy subsidisation in some countries, whereas organic cotton usually doesn’t, Can Struggle To Meet Demand, Increase Market Share, & There Can Be Other Costs Involved – Per Properly certified organic cotton can take time to set up the supply lines and production facilities. Per One study found that the average organic yield of cotton was 25% lower than conventional. The nitrogen oxides formed during the production and use of these fertilizers are also a major part of the agricultural sector’s greenhouse gas emissions. Per With organic cotton, surface and groundwater use falls 91 percent. GOTS certified organic cotton for example places and emphasis on social/ethical cotton – where workers have access to a safe and fair work environment …, About 100 million households are engaged in growing and producing cotton and 300 million people work in the cotton sector as a whole …, The majority of [non-organic] cotton farmers and workers live in developing countries, work extremely long hours, are exposed to poisonous substances daily and earning very little in wages …, In fact, many of them have unsustainable debts because they are unable to keep up with employer demands. the timeliness of payment and market access …, the risk of investment made by the farmer … [, are all] challenges [organic cotton is having] in growing its market share and making a strong business case for companies to shift to organic …. Potentially Less Air Pollution – From the reduced use of synthetic nitrogen fertilizers. [of all cotton production methods] organic cotton [production] has the lowest environmental impact as it doesn’t use any toxic chemicals or genetically modified seeds. Some natural pesticides can be as harmful as some of the synthetic ones used. To make a pair of jeans, conventional cotton would take 9,910 gallons of water compared to 932 with organic (a savings of 8,978 gallons). organic cotton is 46 percent less harmful to global warming [and]. NEJM Perspective: GMOs, Herbicides, and Public Health Philip J. Landrigan, M.D., and Charles Benbrook, Ph.D. To make a pair of jeans, conventional cotton would take 9,910 gallons of water compared to 932 with organic (a savings of 8,978 gallons). Atmospheric Water Generators (Air To Water Machines): FAQ & Buyer’s Guide, Pros & Cons Of Atmospheric Water Generation (& Harvesting Water From Air), Pros & Cons Of Rainwater Harvesting/Collection. Some People Think GMO Seed Benefits Outweigh The Risk – Per Some people think that the benefits of GMO seeds which may include resistance against pests, droughts, heat etc., less water required, and increased yields, outweigh the potential risks such as creating super pests and GMO seeds eliminating natural seeds and natural plant life … In Burkina Faso in Africa, documented farmer benefits [of Bt cotton] include a 20% yield increase compared to conventional cotton, a pesticide use reduction of about 67%, while cotton profits were elevated by US$64 per hectare – a 51% increase in previous income levels.