1997 - Mandatory Labels Source article.

Monsanto's first generation Roundup Ready soybean patent will expire. The World Health Organization says COVID-19 has gotten in the way of mental health. The European Union's first genetically engineered crop, tobacco, is approved in France. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. Over the last several years, a fiery debate has evolved over whether or not GMOs are safe. ... History of GMOs. University, An equal access/equal opportunity university. The media call it the “Insect Apocalypse”. Sweet potatoes are actually 8,000 year old GMOs.

Viewpoint: Here’s why excluding pregnant women from COVID vaccine efficacy and safety trials is misguided, From confusion to comas: ⅓ of hospitalized COVID patients suffered deteriorating neurological function, Vitamin D shown to reduce severe symptoms of COVID. 1980 - First GMO Patent Issued The idea for man-made DNA, or rDNA, comes from a grad student at Stanford University Medical School. It is easier than ever for advocacy groups to spread disinformation on pressing science issues, such as the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. It wasn't until the early 1900s that scientists began using his theory to change plant characteristics. Humans have been altering the genetics of organisms for over 30,000 years, but how did the practice of selective breeding evolve into the GMOs, as we know
This article or excerpt is included in the GLP’s daily curated selection of ideologically diverse news, opinion and analysis of biotechnology innovation. This GLP project maps contributions by foundations to anti-biotech activists and compares it to pro-GMO industry spending. This case was critical to farmers everywhere. A new study suggests that steering toward a vitamin D-rich diet may be a wise move to help ward off memory-robbing dementia. How did we get to the point that genetically modified organisms infiltrate so much of what we eat? Research in eastern Quebec finds Bt toxins in the blood of pregnant women and shows evidence that the toxin is passed to fetuses. by GL Woolsey food contains. Here are 9 COVID-related symptoms that you may not have heard of. Another Strike Against GMOs – The Creation of Superbugs and Superweeds, 10 Problems With Genetically Modified Foods (Wall Street Cheat Sheet), How To Tell If A Vitamin Is Natural Or Synthetic, Pesticides Linked to Birth Abnormalities in Major New Study (SustainablePulse), McDonald's to phase out critically important antibiotics in chickens to help fight superbugs (Independent). Monsanto, a major agriculture company that had its roots in the early 1900s and now controls most of the seed industry, employed chemist John Franz to redevelop glyphosate as an herbicide. Making a crop that was resistant to herbicide made it much easier, and cheaper, for farmers to control weeds while producing high yields. Likewise, Beth Skwarecki of Lifehacker agrees, noting that banning or accepting GMOs “is just rearranging deck chairs.”, “If we’re fighting over-industrialization of agriculture,” she wrote, “GMOs are the wrong battleground.”, There’s nothing fishy about the benefits of omega-3s. Though the GMO debate is ongoing, the scientific community has concluded that GE food is safe. He is an ... News on human & agricultural genetics and biotechnology delivered to your inbox. GMO History: Building on Genetic Diversity. A GMO is any type of organism, plant, or animal, whose genetic material has been manipulated through genetic engineering.
1987 2014 - GMO Patent Expires

Following is a breakdown of the GMO history timeline: In the mid 1800s a European monk named Gregory Mendel published his findings on the basic principles of heredity.

According to Bruce Chasey, executive associate director of the Biotechnology Center at the University of Illinois, we altered these plants so much that they developed into crops that would never survive in the wild without human care. The FDA declares that genetically engineered foods are "not inherently dangerous" and do not require special regulation. The first GMO resistant weeds also begin appearing this year. Knowing the history of GMOs can help you understand the viewpoints of both sides. manufacturers to use one of three types of labels to All rights reserved. The agricultural genetic alteration of food, however, has been occurring for thousands of years. In 2009, Monsanto introduced Roundup 2 with a new patent set to make the first-generation seed obsolete. Eat less, move more? According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), GMO seeds are used to … At the Asilomar Conference of 1975, scientists, lawyers, and government officials debated the safety of GE experiments and concluded that the GE projects should be allowed to continue. This is the first consumer product developed through modern bioengineering. Why the spat between low carbers and calorie counters is pointless.