Describe a house/ apartment that someone you know lives in. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]. In the meantime, I feel very lucky that my friend is so willing to welcome me and others to come and visit her there and enjoy it too. Please say: whose house/apartment this is; where the house/apartment is; what it looks like inside; and explain what you like or dislike about this person’s house/apartment. It is only 20 minutes walking distance from my house. Describe a house or apartment you have lived in.

This house would be located in our hometown which is (…say your hometown's name...) in (...say the district/ division/ country name/ city name...).

The grandest houses have their own walled gardens and are packed with ‘original features’ like large windows, beautiful old fire-places, picture rails and wooden floorboards. Why is that?

All the rooms should have a spacious balcony attached to them. Cue Card # 148: House/apartment someone you know lives in, IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card # 148. I’m going to tell you all about her house, where it is, what it’s like (as best I can) and the pros and cons of her choice of home. and explain what you like or dislike about this person’s house/apartment. The rooms give complete privacy to the house members as they are not adjacent to each other. The inner part of the house was almost ruined and I was unable to stay there for longer times fearing the fall of the roof. IELTS Speaking Part 2: IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card. From the hallway, there is a large reception room where in winter you can snuggle up in front of a roaring open fire on one of the two squidgy sofas placed in their for guests. Achieve your dream score in your IELTS GT Exam.

It is people that make a home, not the bricks used to construct the walls that surround them!

The apartment is on the 3rd floor of a six-storied building which is located in the 2nd lane of the (… say the area name here…). What do I like about the property! This cue card is expected to appear in Makkar cue cards 2020 according to Makkar ielts speaking pdf guesswork. Essay 125 – It is more important to protect the countryside, Cue Card # 149: Describe a writer you would like to meet. There would be a big veranda in front of the house.
The tall ceilings and large rooms are indeed gorgeous, but they aren’t very practical in an English winter. It did not have a good look. In fact, I was greatly amazed at the inner look than the outer one. Describe a house or an apartment you would like to live in. In fact, I went there to get some music CDs.

The furniture and other necessaries are set in the right place.

The house is located in a prime location in Munich.

The furniture and interior are decorated with modern design. I like the house because it is beautiful and spacious. The house would be built with woods, leaves, some modern materials and tin. This cue card is related to “Situation description” topic and asking you to “Describe your idea of a perfect home or dream house.“ and asking some questions related to this topic.

Describe a house/apartment that someone you know lives in. But there would be plenty of trees, gardens, ponds and open spaces in from of the house. So, he keeps the place untidy which caused irritation to me.3. The house my friend lives in is a beautiful rambling Victorian home. Describe a house or apartment you want to live in. Actually, I could not like the house from the beginning because of its too much shabby and almost broken outlook.

In fact, it needed a renovation.

First of all, I want my apartment to be located at a beautiful suburb, having wide streets, a big and clear lake and lots of trees, which wouldn’t be too far away from the city.
The house, my big boss lives in, is conveniently located on the bank of a river. Describe a house where you lived for a long.

The property is hard to heat and the electricity bills must be huge.

Why is this? This open floor plan allows this house to look really spacious and bright.