Notice that although the ideas expressed are real, they are things you can’t see, touch, taste, smell, or hear. Childhood memories are sources of great joy. This means we cannot see, touch, taste, smell, or hear. - Erich Fromm, "Justice means minding one's own business and not meddling with other men's concerns." It denotes an idea, concept, quality, emotions, feelings, attributes, movements, events, action, or state, i.e, intangible things. Abstract Nouns. (please), Our ________________ will last forever. The difference between business development and sales development explained. There is some uncertainty in the final exam date. - Albert Einstein, "What light is to the eyes - what air is to the lungs - what love is to the heart, liberty is to the soul of man." Countable Noun He measured the ____________(wide) of the wooden box.p. bring a fire under control; set fire to something; See full entry. The house was filled with the ____________ (laugh) of the kids.u. An overview of the major art styles with examples. It’s not always easy to determine if a noun is abstract or concrete. 3. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, redistributed or translated. Something that is abstract exists only in the mind, while something that is concrete can be interacted with in a physical way. We must try to work for _____________ (peaceful) in the world.h. (strong), As the sun dipped below the horizon, _______________ came over the city. In the above sentence, the words "sunset" and "joy" are nouns. The line separating abstract nouns from concrete nouns is often quite blurry. We can remain happy with the right attitude.o. To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom." Words given in the bracket are abstract nouns. Derive abstract noun from noun: brother (brotherhood), mother (motherhood), child (childhood), member (membership), man (manhood), friend (friendship), king (kingship), scholar (scholarship), neighbor (neighborhood), leader (leadership), etc. Their _____________ (friend) will last for long.i.The judge made a fair __________ ( judge) over the dispute.j. Common abstract nouns showing human qualities and characteristics: beauty, evil, ego, envy, elegance, enthusiasm, bravery, calm, coldness, courage, charity, curiosity, dedication, brilliance, brutality, compassion, determination, contentment, confidence, fear, honesty, generosity, honor, goodness, graciousness, hatred, humor, humility, hope, insanity, jealousy, loyalty, kindness, maturity, integrity, intelligence, patience, perseverance, tolerance, sophistication, sensitivity, sympathy, stupidity, sanity, self-control, success, deceit, skill, beauty, pain, brilliance, misery, talent, weakness, warmth, wisdom, trust, wit, etc. Get The ___________ (appear) of the clown at the circus made us laugh.b. - Confucius. Subject and Predicate: Definition, Rules, Examples, and Worksheets (With PDF). That is an abstract use. Abstract noun is the noun which exists in our mind only and we cannot recognize them through our senses such as relationships, qualities, ideas, theories, freedom, idea, happiness, music, conditions, states of being, fields of inquiry, like, etc. Irregular daily routine brings disappointment to me. Mr. Mohan went to the U.S in search of _________. Abstract nouns can be countable (such as a joke, an hour, a noise, a meeting, a quantity) and uncountable (such as fear, courage, news, happiness, training, etc). An instance of fire resulting from the controlled and tended burning of fuel and used as a source of heat, as in a fireplace, furnace, oven, etc., or outside in a camp, etc. Abstract nouns represent ideas or concepts that are not tangible. An abstract noun is a word that describes an intangible thing that has no specific physical form such as an emotion, state, concept or generalization. The following are common examples of abstract nouns. Vocational rather than academic, "Grammar for Grown-ups" is packed with real-life examples and keeps you engaged with a wealth of great quotations from Homer the Greek to Homer the Simpson. Ram is waiting for the opportunity to go to the Gulf Countries.v. Make sure that your writing also contains concrete nouns, so your meaning is clear. Abstract noun is a noun which names things that are not concrete (means do not have physical existence) and cannot be detected through sense organs. What are abstract nouns? Uttam’s childhood memories are a source of great joy for him.k. So through this website, I plan to provide various worksheets on different subjects to help interested kids, parents, and teachers. We have lots of ____________ (proud) in our teachers. The immense ___________ (strong) of the fighter makes him the winner.d. Visit our, Copyright 2002-2020 Simplicable. We should give patients sympathy so that they can get well soon. Abstract noun is a noun which names things that are not concrete (means do not have physical existence) and cannot be detected through sense organs. • I’d like the freedom to travel all over the world. a. Your five physical senses cannot detect an abstract noun – you can’t see it, smell it, taste it, hear it, or touch it. Adoration, Anger, Amazement, Belief, Deceit, Clarity, Anxiety, Awe, Delight, Apprehension, Despair, Excitement, Disturbance, Disappointment, Fascination, Disbelief, Grief, Friendship, Helplessness, Happiness, Joy, Hate, Infatuation, Pain, Love, Helpfulness, Dreams, Misery, Power, Relief, Pleasure, Pride, Sadness, Relaxation, Silliness, Romance, Satisfaction, Uncertainty, Sorrow, Tiredness, Strength, Weariness, Energy, Surprise, Worry, Wariness, Idea, Imagination, Life, Motivation, etc.