Most of the Christian churches have windows.
See the category on JWs on the right-hand menu. Does anyone know why? Although they do associate with me they are very afraid of being seen with me. [quote=brotherhrolf]Despite the numerous power failures in our area and high temperatures, the JWs down the street do not have windows in their hall. Revelation 3:14 Links to Information - "...the beg... Do Jehovah's Witnesses Accept Stem Cells? Restrooms are typically in the basement, along with a couple of other rooms that I remember being used primarily to discipline children but were meant for smaller group meetings. I’ve asked that very question before (even on a JW message board). The halls in this area all have windows but they are all covered up. I mean, I have seen Catholic churches with no windows ( pardon me if you are Catholic ) but never a Kingdom hall with none. They dont have windows because they dont want brothers and sisters looking outside while they are bored during the watchtower study. Vandalism is more prominent in some locations that others especially in high crime areas or if the Kingdom Hall is located in a secluded rural area with no other homes or buildings nearby. Yes, it does seem that the policy about new Kingdom Halls has changed in the last couple of decades. There were those elders that, when they saw me there, would smile or tell me they were very happy to see me there.

People have killed more in the name of religion than anything or anyone else.

Thanks. Unlike many churches, they do not have a parish residence attached or near by to keep an eye on their belongings inside the Hall. There are no secrets.

Not my fault if you’re not aware of them. Why are there no windows in a jehovah witness temple? Others do not have windows because of cost and for the sake of security.

Your email address will not be published. Right? They welcome any and all visitors to their meetings. “Do not give what is holy to dogs, neither throw your pearls before swine, that they may never … turn around and rip you open,” warned Jesus, at Matthew 7:6. If you stood at the second stall in the womens bathroom- those where the tiiles I laid. Really funny to hear how the lack of windows has been used as a metaphor for the separation of/between(?) ~ Kathy ~, Well, from what I understand (and this echoes what someone else posted), the real reason why they avoid having windows is vandalism. “As I’ve been driving across the United States, I’ve noticed a bunch of Kingdom Halls of Jehovah’s Witnesses that do not have windows. However, none of them speak to my ex-husband, but that’s b/c he was abusive and has pretty much abandoned our children for some girl. So, in order for me to attend a meeting I have to take three small children by myself (ages 4, 2, and 5-months). God changed my life that night as the Holy Spirit took up residence in my heart! This is how we stay human. Most probably wouldn’t do this. Double-pane windows cost more per square foot than brick or siding.

For the official information on JWs' beliefs, please visit: footnote page 56 speaks about the translators of the NWT, one person named is George Gangas. I did the ceramic tile and the cealing tiles. Why? I had worked so hard and wanted to be reinstated so that my familiy being there during my son’s birth would not be an issue. How to cover old Red Dot outdoor outlet for constant use? Side note – what insurance for injury was there for you and others while you were building the Halls?

Sorry – but I know the REAL doctrines.

Kingdom Halls are built by volunteer Jehovah's Witnesses within a 3 day time-span: Friday thru Sunday.

When the Pope blesses the guns, the bombs, and soldiers that are going to be used to kill people of another country. But do not be deceived! So while one must note that such an apocalyptically-oriented belief is extremely self-justifying and community-cementing, a fear of the outside world does make some sense. Without the hope of something more our treatment of others would change our roles and rules would be non-exsistant.

Actually you are very wrong.

Unlike Catholic churches, in which there is a poor illumination by candles, full of life less images that only give you nightmares instead of peace. They are quite rich, you know. Is it possible to filter directly connected networks redistribute with BGP based on a peer basis?

Do we nevertheless respect the action taken by the elders? Does the Watchtower Protect Pedophiles? My family is JW’s. First, you should know that they refer to each of their houses of worship as a “Kingdom Hall.”. Once they had the funds to build a new Hall they did so.

I’ve been in many many Kingdom Halls in my time.

Heck, I helped with it! To the best of my recollection, every single one of them had windows. But I have to say that the people I talk to do not have this experience.

Any ideas? It is true that many, although not all, Kingdom Halls are built without windows in North America. Storing Username and salt in separate table. There was ceramic tiling through the hallways, bathroom and entrance. by Majestic Software.

3) The last reason is to save money. They want to retain the facade of being an actual religion.

It *happened* that *while* Jesus was *praying* in a *certain* *place*, Actually, I think this is the first reason, but I’m putting the reasons I was given as an “insider” first. Normally they do not have a parish residence nearby to keep a watch on their belongings.

I get that question all of the time. I lose no sleep over those that choose to remain in a cult like whatever you want to call it. *KURIE (PART 2)* 1) The first and foremost reason is for security.

I believe that how we treat each other on our own paths defines the person you are.

Never mind about the victims.'”.

It’s only fair that they be judged by the same standard. Hi The typical build-time allotted for the complete structure is three days – Friday through Sunday. I was raised in the JWs to believe that all worldly authorities were of Satan, not God. Think of it as a bunker.

The construction of the entire building was funded by the local congregation. Real money stays in Brooklyn and other world headquarters. When I moved to another state with my family the Hall we went to had windows, it was a newer one. Maybe not... Not that I don't believe you, but do you have any references for your answers? There is some diversity now in the plans, partly because they aren’t all built by the congregation anymore. it goes on to say that only Fred Franz who has some knowledge of the Bible languages. Sometimes I wonder whether the current administration had a JW advisor somewhere in there – they are great at isolation and the uses of fear to manipulate. For Christian Witness to Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons. My mom is very active. NO WINDOWS?

Well doens’t the Bible also says in Matthew 23:9 : “And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.” Also, when God said you shall not kill. This is just a somewaht random, and small, sampling.

In others, I can offer specific strategies to counteract the sheer cruelty that is taking place – often between parents and children or between relatives.

Think of it as a bunker. You are describing our halls like dungeons when they are nothing of the sort. When one asks Jehovah’s Witnesses why this is the case, many of their answers will vary, but these are the most common answers given: I would say that probably you inspire that, so – you go, girl! Did the New World Translation lead to any doctrinal changes? Still, even at such times, he did not lie. God b... ΔΙΑΔΙΚΤΥΑΚΗ ΒΙΒΛΙΟΘΗΚΗ της Σκοπιάς και JW.ORG, The “New World Translation”—Scholarly and Honest. How long will the footprints on the moon last? However, there are exceptions to every rule and unfortunatly it sounds like you ended up related to some of them and that just sucks. Christians understand that they are living in a hostile world. Do you really imagine Jesus holding a machine gun, shooting at somebody!. But I guess the “blind leading the blind” seems appropriate. :rolleyes: I have a male cousin who is a Jehovah Witness. Who built it? The one in our area has no windows. Not so much. The people you know and who love you are willing to disobey for your sake. Does Jerry Seinfeld have Parkinson's disease? How Do We Know That The Paradise Mentioned For the Future Earth is Literal and not Figurative?