Nie upijają się. does not accept responsibility or liability for any reviews or responses. They're also applicable regardless of the comment's tone. If you thought that Skopelos town was quiet, Glossa is even more so – particularly if you find yourself here during afternoon siesta hours. 3.1 Go Off the Beaten Path at Amarandos 3.2 Hike to the Monasteries Above Skopelos Town 3.3 Have a Seafood Lunch at Agnontas 3.4 Search … There is no public transport that runs to Glyfoneri. There are no Mamma Mia locations in Skopelos Town itself. lovers will be pleased to note that the soundtrack is only played once. What I also didn't realize beforehand was how big the island is. There a small snack bar nearby too. However not all beaches are created equal.

Jeśli chcesz napisać w sprawach technicznych, skontaktuj się z, Fuerteventura - wyspa, na której wypoczywa minister Szumowski, Psy na plaży nie zawsze są mile widziane. For more info check our, Member of British Guild of Travel Writers, BOOKS BY BEX – CLICK TO PURCHASE ON AMAZON, Voted in Top 25 Europe Travel Blogs & Top 30 Greek Blogs, Best accommodation in Argassi, Zakynthos – Greece. Skopelos is a stunning Greek island.

Contributions should be travel related. Reszta jest rodzinną tajemnicą. It is advisable to book directly through the specific ferry company as opposed to via general ferry booking sites. The Hollywood movie features the fictional island of “Kalokairi”. Reginus, patron rybaków. Panie i Panowie, witamy na Skopelos, jeszcze nie skażonej komercją wyspie, gdzie powstał słynny musical "Mamma Mia" z Meryl Streep, Piercem Brosnanem i piosenkami Abby w rolach głównych. Error: } dream beach, the weather had cleared up so much that the beach didn't look any different from one you would find in the Caribbean. Jak mieszkańcy to policzyli, nie wiadomo, gołym okiem widać jednak, że Skopelos jest cała zielona. The building is tiny, though there are some interesting religious artifacts and icons to be found inside. The sleepy town of Glossa is the second-largest settlement on the island of Skopelos. Some of the coastal areas that you should prioritise during your trip are detailed below. Sama wyspa nie jest duża, ma zaledwie 96 km2 powierzchni, ale porasta ją za to ponad pięć milionów sosen i prawie sześćdziesiąty tysięcy drzew oliwnych. Świeżo marynowane oliwki sąsiadują z pieczoną fetą, ośmiornice z grilla z doradą, obok kalmary w panierce, oberżyna pod serem, graviera z patelni i świeże pomidory z orzeszkami pini. During the summer months, beach parties and events are hosted here. There are a few small villages and settlements to see. We'll also provide transparency over the status of submitted content. And it’s easy to see why it was chosen – the filming locations truly showcase Skopelos’ beauty. As an unapologetic fan of both Mamma Mia! Most of the film locations, however, can be found on Skopelos. cast and crew. The island remains relatively untouristy, although Mamma Mia fans regularly visit. There is no airport on Skopelos island. The Skopelos bus schedule is subject to change depending on the season. Your current currency is Euro, Choose your language. Approximately 3,000 of Skopelos’ residents live within the vicinity of the island’s namesake town.

Click to save to Pinterest: (function() {™. Most of the filming was undertaken at Kastani beach in the South West of the island – as well as some shots on the mainland/ Pelion region of Greece . After their trip, guests tell us about their stay. T-shirts, postcards or fridge magnets on sale in island shops. Platanos Jazz Bar sits in the shadow of the Church of the Virgin Mary (Panagitsa Tower) and is a wonderful place for enjoying an aperol spritz or a mastiha-infused cocktail as you watch the sunset over the harbour. Wyjaśniamy wątpliwości, W Polsce tłumy, a za granicą? Take a holiday on Skopelos and you won't find many Mamma Mia! The bus departs at 9 am from Skopelos Town and will be back around 3 pm. The boat leaves from the Old Port in Skiathos Town. Are you missing any information about this area? Podobnie jest z większymi zakupami. A picturesque square sits at the intersection of Doulidou and Kanari streets, and is encompassed by restaurants and the town’s famous plane tree. Jedna z nich, Velanio, przeznaczona jest dla naturystów, pozostałe są zagospodarowane jedynie częściowo, co jeszcze bardziej dodaje im uroku. To tutaj trzech bohaterów musicalu spotyka się po raz pierwszy. During the summer months, beach parties and live DJs are hosted here on certain nights. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Glyfoneri Beach is a serviced beach close to Skopelos town that has only opened in recent years. I love the way it works in Greece. The 2008 romantic comedy musical starring Amanda Seyfried, Colin Firth, Pierce Brosnan and Meryl Streep and featuring ABBA songs was a bit hit. listeners: [],
Yes, they only do the Mamma Mia! However, Skopelos is the real-life setting for Kalokairi. Agnontas is just 20 minutes away from Skopelos town and a free bus is provided by the ferry company if you have to stop here for any reason. "Mamma Mia" jest prostą historią. Dzisiaj buty mają w jednej z miejscowych agencji turystycznych rodzaj małej kapliczki. As a big fan of Mamma Mia i am dying to goand sew the locations! We'll allow the contributions to speak for themselves, and we won’t be the judge of reality.

We watched a short introduction film about how olive oil is made here and got a yummy taster of olive oil on bread. Nie mogę oprzeć się wrażeniu, że ktoś wyreżyserował tę scenę, bo podobne pamiętam z filmu, który został tu został nakręcony sześć lat temu. I choose to go with Poseidon as it’s the only boat from Skiathos which stops at right by Agios Ioannis, the clifftop chapel made famous as the location of Sophie’s wedding at the end of the first film (if you take a different boat you’ll need to get an expensive taxi if you want to walk up to the chapel). Disclosure: In order to write about the tour, I received a complimentary ticket for the Mamma Mia! Get exclusive access to members-only deals by email. Geia sou! The journey takes just 20 minutes each way. Straycare Skopelos is independently owned by a lovely Athenian lady that takes care of dozens of cats with little funding and assistance. Na wyspie mieszka na stałe zaledwie około trzech tysięcy ludzi, z których większość w sezonie żyje z turystyki, zimą zaś z uprawy oliwek i produkcji koziego sera. Tu postawili filmowy bar i pomost, na którym w wielu scenach pojawiają się główni bohaterowie. tour by boat from there. Samolotem można dolecieć przez Ateny lub Saloniki na Skiathos i później przesiąść się na prom, ale organizowane samodzielnie jest dość kosztownym rozwiązaniem. W zamian malownicze wioseczki, zjawiskowo piękne widoki i fantastyczne, zawsze świeże jedzenie. Ale skarb był przeklęty. I recommend going earlier though as there were plenty of people already on board by the time I got there (and this was early in the season so it wasn’t completely full). Booking not found – double-check your booking number and PIN then try again. See my Insider Tips for taking Ferries in Greece for more information about the ports in Greece and what to expect when on a Greek ferry. Filming also took place for 3 days at the neighbouring island of Skiathos with a total cast and crew of about 210 people. I'm a full-time Travel Blogger/Writer, Marketing Translator and Reviewer on a part-time mission to discover the world through film locations of movies and series. There are many pleasant hikes and walking trails that weave through the scenery of Skopelos island. Something went wrong – please try again later. W XV wieku na Skopelos dotarł słynny Barbarossa, admirał wojsk imperium osmańskiego i turecki kaper.

Skopelos’ gorgeous Kastani beach was one of the main filming locations for Mamma Mia. On the way to our final stop we passed by the filming location for the small stone island, where Sophie and her three possible dads take a picnic and go swimming in the crystal clear waters. But it doesn’t matter because I can tell you – Skopelos Town has vibes. Na dodatek, po drodze jest studnia z najlepszą, podobno, wodą na całej wyspie. Na skraju półwyspu Stafylos, gdzie również leży piękna plaża, archeolodzy odkryli w 1936 roku królewski grób z mieczem ze złotą rękojeścią, legendy zaś mówią, że w zamku, który tu niegdyś stał, ukryty jest skarb piratów. Plaże Skopelos są raczej kameralne, ale za to bardzo malownicze i bardzo romantyczne. Mamma Mia on Skopelos island, Greece I spent my days wandering in the pine clad groves, sitting drinking coffee, swimming and, of course, locating some of the spots “Mamma Mia” was filmed. Agnontas is a charming little fishing village that sits on the eastern coast of Skopelos island. After all, most visitors (including me) stay in or around Skopelos Town, which is nice, but nowhere near all that this gorgeous island has to offer. Most ferries arrive at Skopelos town or Glossa port. - W okolicy mówi się, że na Dasii znalazł skrzynię z kosztownościami – tłumaczy mi Eva Liatsou. Masz ciekawy temat? At what time? Grecki kryzys dotknął również wyspę, choć jej spokojny klimat pozwala zapomnieć o kłopotach. One such route is the rugged path that leads you from Skopelos town up into the woodland area of Palouki. - Tu, na wyspie, wszystko jest antyczne – śmieje się garncarz. Milia can get very busy during the summer months. Mamma Mia!

The scenic whitewashed building boasts breathtaking views of the open sea from its rooms and suites. All content should be genuine and unique to the guest. Piratów pochowali na górze Karia, ponad klasztorem św. })(); For all the legal bits go to my Disclaimer and Privacy Policy, 7 Things I Loved About Skiathos (and 2 Things That I Didn’t).

While on the bus, you will listen to the film's famous ABBA soundtrack. Agnontas port is sometimes used when the weather is too windy or stormy to arrive at Skopelos port.
The chapel that you will see now looks quite different to that in the film. You don’t need to dedicate much time to Agnontas. If you don't find me there I am probably travelling the world in order to trace my favourite film settings while trying to stay on a budget. We have more than 70 million property reviews, all from real, verified guests. Co prawda, choć sam Brosnan chciał tu kupić posiadłość, plotka mówiła nawet o wykupieniu całej wyspy, to najprawdopodobniej o tym zapomniał, dając Skopelos szansę, żeby pozostała miejscem wciąż mało światowym. You do not need to be an experienced hiker to attempt this trail, just be sure to arm yourself with supportive footwear. Such routes are enjoyable all year round. Potem zbudował dom, ale się spalił. The locals call this area “piscina” meaning “swimming pool” on account of how clear the waters are. If you find yourself with time to spare while in Skopelos, you could consider contacting her via her Facebook page. It is located just 9km away from Skopelos port. Whilst writing up this post I came across these amazing behind-the-scenes photos of filming on Skopelos which give you a great idea of how the scenery is used. 1122540|7,1207860|7,1201970|2,1189330,1196840,1189780,1208800,1202340,1212510,1207860,1122540|6,1212460,1147480,1213240,1195890|2,1195890,1199730,1186850,1196980,1178480,1202340|5,1207860|8,1186930,1208470,1204500,1206180,1193070,1208690,1200420,1118310|9,1205600|6,1205600,1207740,1201970,1157880|4,1205600|4,1198170,1122540|2,1174220,1207860|1,1210590,1122540,1196600,1206230,1189330|2,1212460|4,1157880, Mamma Mia (Guesthouse), Skopelos Town (Greece) Deals. Film Tip 1: For more about the first film, check out my Film Review of Mamma Mia! If you are short on time, you may prefer to spend your days swimming in the waters of the more aesthetic beaches of Milia and Kastani. You certainly couldn’t fit a wedding contingent in here. No wonder why Hollywood producers chose the romantic chapel of St. John to film the wedding scene of Mamma Mia.

Share in the comments. Magnificent Panormos beach is one of the best Skopelos beaches from a service perspective. The waterfront “M Coffeehouse” is a great place to stop for a Greek coffee, a freddo cappuccino, or a mountain of breakfast pancakes to start your day. }