Il s'agit d'un barrage à poids et joints évidés (2e plus grand au monde), avec un évacuateur de crue pour le contrôle du niveau du réservoir. Ce dernier est le barrage le plus en amont du projet qui régularisera le flux d'eau dans la rivière. Son sommet est à 360 mètres au-dessus du niveau de la mer alors que le niveau maximal de remplissage se situe à 354 mètres. Dans son plan stratégique 2009-2013, Hydro-Québec a annoncé son intention de procéder à la réfection des centrales Jean-Lesage et René-Lévesque au cours de la décennie 2010. Improvements in long distance electric transmission technologies were also a consideration at the time. Manicouagan River, also spelled Manikuagan River, French Rivière Manicouagan, river in the Côte-Nord (North Shore) region, eastern Quebec province, Canada.Rising near the Labrador border, the river drains lakes Muskalagan and Manicouagan southward into the mouth of the St. Lawrence River near Baie-Comeau and Hauterive. The surge tanks protect the penstocks and turbines from water hammer which would occur if the turbine gates were quickly closed and water pressure suddenly increases. [11] To prevent seepage in the dam's foundation, a grout curtain was injected in the bedrock and a drainage network with 2,400 ft (730 m) of tunnels was constructed just downstream of the dam to collect water that might seep through.[12].

[8], In 1955, Hydro-Québec launched a 5-year extensive assessment of the Manicouagan's suitability. While draining an area of 29,241 km (18,170 mi), it has a surface area of 1,950 km2 (750 sq mi) and shoreline of 1,322 km (821 mi). The first powerhouse consists of eight Francis turbines, capable of producing up to 1,596 MW of power, which went online in 1970. The Manicouagan multiple-arch buttress dam filled the annular moat to its present depth, creating a circular reservoir for hydro-electric power. Significant advances in the field, including the construction of two 315-kilovolt lines, between the Bersimis complex, west of the Manicouagan system, and Montreal, (completed in 1956), lifted another obstacle. Ratings and Reviews are the subjective opinion of individual consumers, travel agents or travel counselors and not the opinion of the American Automobile Association ”AAA” or AAA Clubs. n. on Hwy. To further help the structure cope with the climate, engineers placed one-inch steel reinforcing bars within the upstream and downstream faces of the dam. The design was chosen for strength and economical reasons as it used less concrete or material than a gravity or embankment dam.

The reservoir, also known as Lake Manicouagan, lies within the remnant of an ancient eroded impact crater. Levasseur died at the age of 35, only days before the dam's inauguration. [28], The construction of the Daniel-Johnson Dam and the Manic-Outardes complex happened in a larger social and political context of the Quiet Revolution in Quebec, a time when recently nationalized "Hydro-Québec rapidly becomes a symbol of the new Quebec nationalism and of the new economic strategy of the State", explains historian Paul-André Linteau.[29]. Among the guests were Quebec Union Nationale Premier, Daniel Johnson, Sr., his predecessor, Jean Lesage, and René Lévesque, the former Hydraulic Resources minister responsible for the consolidation of all investor-owned utilities into Hydro-Québec. Iron ore is mined in…. Originally, Lake Mouchalagane (meaning "big dish of bark" in the Innu language) and Lake Manicouagan formed half-circles around a large raised plateau, the result of rebound from the original asteroid impact. Vue aérienne du barrage Daniel-Johnson.

The Daniel-Johnson dam (French: Barrage Daniel-Johnson), formerly known as Manic-5, is a multiple-arch buttress dam on the Manicouagan River that creates the annular Manicouagan Reservoir. Le 24 octobre 1961, le chantier débute deux ans après de celui de Manic 5. Neither AAA nor AAA Clubs shall be held liable for any damages resulting from display or use of these ratings or reviews. The data collected at the time was so promising that Hydro-Québec did not wait for the working group to submit their final recommendations. Duplessis' successor in 1959, Paul Sauvé agreed with Johnson and he continued to pave the way for the dam. Barrage: 11: Harrodsburg: Barrage: 11: Manicouagan: Résistance. Beauharnois. The original project, the Manicouagan-Outardes project, included the construction of five dams on the Manicouagan River (Manic-1, Manic-2, Manic-3, Manic-4 and Manic-5) and three on the Outardes River (Outardes-2, Outardes-3 and Outardes-4).

The combined flow was then estimated at 40 million cubic meters, making it one of the largest hydrological systems in Canada. [34], The dam is also a tourist attraction. The second powerhouse, the Manic-5-PA (PA stands for puissance additionnelle or additional power), was commissioned in 1989, and consists of four Francis turbines of 1,064 MW in total installed capacity. In more recent history, a hydroelectric dam built across the Manicouagan River in the 1960s deepened the water so that two crescent-shaped lakes in the crater became one. Each surge tank has an 80 ft (24 m) diameter expansion chamber and is about 40 ft (12 m) higher than the actual dam structure. per square inch to meet an estimated 1,500 PSI within the structure. The deadline was met within the 150 days and a total of 1,000,000 cu yd (760,000 m3) of concrete was poured.

Additionally, Hydro-Québec decided to build the Manic-1 generating station adjacent to and augmenting the existing plant and dam. and 214 km (133 mi.)

Il a nécessité près de 3 millions de mètres cubes de béto The second cofferdam was downstream and prevented water from flowing back into the construction site. Différence entre sclérose en plaques et parkinson. The dam is 214 m (702 ft) tall, 1,314 m (4,311 ft) long and contains 2,200,000 m3 (2,900,000 cu yd) of concrete, making it the largest dam of its type in the world.[2][4]. However, as plans for the Manicouagan-Outardes project progressed, engineers discovered that water flow at the mouth of the Manicouagan could be better utilized.

[10] The dam was eventually completed in 1968. Daniel-Johnson Dam on the Manicouagan River, Canada. C'est le plus grand barrage à voûtes multiples et contreforts au.. Boththelakeandtheisland measure 2000km2. and 214 km (133 mi.) Le projet nécessitera également le remplacement de deux transformateurs élévateurs situés sur le toit de la centrale d'une capacité accrue[7]. Le barrage Daniel Johnson a 50 ans. The book was launched in 1965 at the Hydro-Québec Building in Montreal.[33]. The Daniel-Johnson Dam, formerly known as Manic-5, is a multiple arch buttress dam on the Manicouagan River which creates Manicouagan Reservoir. [3], The Manic-1 Dam consists of a concrete center portion that houses the power station and two rock-fill dikes on either side. [1][2], Between 1949 and 1956, to keep up with increasing electricity demands, the Manicouagan Power Company constructed and upgraded a 126 MW hydroelectric power station on the falls of the Manicouagan River' mouth.