A nice video with a head at the bottom of the screen for Act 1 that's shot around when it obstructs the action onstage. Filmed vertically on a phone, CAST: Sophia Gennusa (Matilda), Bertie Carvel (Miss Trunchbull), Lauren Ward (Miss Honey), Gabriel Ebert (Mr Wormwood), Lesli Margherita (Mrs Wormwood), Taylor Trensch (Michael Wormwood), Ryan Steele (u/s Rudolpho), Jack Broderick (Bruce), Frenie Acoba (Lavender), Jared Parker (Nigel), Karen Aldridge (Mrs Phelps), Ben Thompson (Escapologist), Samantha Strum (Acrobat). Aug 22, 2013 - Explore Angel Galloway's board "matilda the musical" on Pinterest. Not the best capture, often the ceiling is filmed. It’s filmed in 16:9, with a mix of wides, mediums, and close-ups. Only the first half of Telly is blacked out; the second half is There are about three minutes of blackouts during Miracle, and a few other quick dropouts throughout the show. The sound is excellent. Washed out a lot due to no zooming and a bit difficult to see, but overall a great capture! Cast: Eliza Holland Madore (Matilda), Alison Luff (Miss Honey), Christopher Sieber (Miss Trunchbull), Matt Harrington (Mr. Wormwood), Lesli Margherita (Mrs. Wormwood), Karen Aldridge (Mrs. Phelps), Alex Brightman (Michael Wormwood), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho). A nice capture overall. Emma Moore (Matilda), Craige Els (Miss Trunchbull), Laura Tyrer (Miss Honey), Rebecca Thornhill (Mrs Wormwood), Michael Begley (Mr Wormwood), Daniel Hope (Michael Wormwood), Maria Graciano (Mrs Phelps), Daniel Ioannou (Rudolpho), Ben Robinson (Bruce), Elena Cervesh (Lavender), Michael Hawkins (Nigel), Angelina Li (Amanda), Tia Palamathanan (Alice), Scarlet Wennick (Hortensia), Miles Harcombe (Tommy), Colette Coleman (Acrobat), Elliot Harper (Escapologist), Matthew Rowland (Doctor), Oliver Brooks (Entertainer), Oliver Brooks (Sergei), Richard Astbury (Henchman/Woman), Fergal McGoff (Henchman/Woman), Michael Serafini (Henchman/Woman), CAST: Act 1 Only as my iPhone ran out of battery. It’s filmed in 16:9, with a mix of wides, mediums, and close-ups. Miss Honey: Alison Case, Miss Trunchbull: Christopher Sieber, Mr. Wormwood: Rick Holmes, Mrs. Wormwood: Lauralyn McClelland (u/s), Natalie Venetia Belcon, Clay Thompson, Phillips Spaeth, Brooklyn Nelson (u/s), Benjamin Harding, Jack Mullen, GiaNina Paolantonio, Ian Saraceni, Akira Golz, Talia Ryder, Cole Edelstein, Geoff Packard, Michael Minarik, Jennifer Bowles, Colin Israel (u/s), Marisa Kennedy, Amanda LaMotte, Michaeljon Slinger, Travis Waldschmidt. During act two, Telly is blacked out while the house lights are on; video starts at Lavender’s entrance. There are two blackouts in act one: two minutes during the first Wormwood scene, and three minutes during the first Library scene. You're about to delete a record. Well shot and mostly steady, a head appears at the bottom of the screen sometimes because the person in front kept leaning forward urgh. There are a couple heads and a railing that can be seen at the bottom of the screen, but they generally only block the actors’ feet. aquez Andre Sims, Kaci Walfall, Evan Gray, Luke Kolbe Mannikus (u/s Nigel), Kayla Vinueza-Amistad, Serena Quadrato (u/s Eric), Cassidy Hagel, Megan McGuff, Meliki Hurd, Ian Michael Stuart, Wesley Faucher, Michael Fatica, John Michael Fiumara, Shonica Gooden, Stephanie Martingnetti, Darius Wright. Extremely good copy great close ups, just an amazing show! Hayley Canham (Matilda), Charles Brunton (u/s Miss Trunchbull), Haley Flaherty (Miss Honey), Annette McLaughlin (Mrs Wormwood), Steve Furst (Mr Wormwood), James Willoughby Moore (Bruce), Holly Hazelton (Lavender), Uwan Lam (Nigel), Samantha Delaney (Amanda), Oliver Finnegan (Eric), Cally Callaghan (Alice), Noga Inspector (Hortensia). Eliza Holland Madore (Matilda), Christopher Sieber (Miss Trunchbull), Alison Luff (Miss Honey), Lesli Margherita (Mrs Wormwood), Matt Harrington (Mr Wormwood), Alex Brightman (Michael Wormwood), Karen Aldridge (Mrs Phelps), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Mitchell Sink (Bruce), Sofia Roma Rubino (alt Lavender), Jonah Halperin (Nigel), Beatrice Tulchin (Amanda), Christian Michael Camporin (Eric), Alexa Shae Niziak (Alice), Ava DeMary (Hortensia), Chris Sumpter (Tommy), Jennifer Bowles (Acrobat), Geoff Packard (Escapologist), Geoff Packard (Doctor), Sean Montgomery (Entertainer), Geoff Packard (Sergei), CAST: Full Act 1 except some parts of Bruce and Naughty were cut and Act two is only When I Grow Up and Quiet. Sophie Woolhouse (Matilda), Elliot Harper (Miss Trunchbull), Carly Thomas (Miss Honey), Rebecca Thornhill (Mrs Wormwood), Sebastien Torkia (Mr Wormwood), Sam Lathwood (Michael Wormwood), Michelle Chantelle Hopewell (Mrs Phelps), Matt Gillett (Rudolpho), Presley Charman (Bruce), Nina Bell (Lavender), Joseph Black (Nigel), Erin Rushidi (Amanda), Noah Leggott (Eric), Joely Robertson (Alice), Lillie May Downton (Hortensia), Adam Lord (Tommy), Emily Bull (Acrobat), Steffan Lloyd-Evans (Escapologist), Peter Bindloss (Doctor), Adam Vaughan (Entertainer), Adam Vaughan (Sergei). The rest of the cast is solid as well; I believe this is the first capture of Alison Luff, and she steps into the show beautifully. The final Broadway show performance! There are a couple heads and a railing that can be seen at the bottom of the screen, but they generally only block the actors’ feet. Includes curtain call, speech and playbill scans, CAST: CAST: CAST: Gabby Gutierrez, Jennifer Blood, Bryce Ryness, Quinn Mattfeld, Cassie Silva, Ora Jones, Danny Tieger. Sarah McKinley Austin (Matilda), Dan Chameroy (Miss Trunchbull), Paula Brancati (Miss Honey), Kim Sava (u/s Mrs Wormwood), Brandon McGibbon (Mr Wormwood), Darren Burkett (Michael Wormwood), Keisha T Fraser (Mrs Phelps), Stephen Diaz (Rudolpho), Aiden Bushey (Bruce), Riley O'Donnell (Lavender), Will Coombs (Nigel), Isabella Stuebing (Amanda), Tanner Quirk (Eric), Molly Richardson (Alice), Kendyl Ito (Hortensia), Trey Middleton (u/s Tommy), Natalie Wisdom (u/s Acrobat), Justin Packard (Escapologist), Justin Packard (Doctor), Stephen Diaz (Entertainer), Eric Craig (Sergei), Anthony MacPherson, Cameron Burke, Gray Monczka, Jacqueline Burtney, Laurin Padolina. The camera stays still and unmoving for the entire performance! Matilda the Musical - Broadway - March 6, 2013 (Preview) (SunsetBlvd79's master) ... A Great HD capture of an exceptional show! Highlights of act 1 for about 46 minutes. Francesca McKeown (Matilda), Hayden Tee (Miss Trunchbull), Gina Beck (Miss Honey), Holly Dale Spencer (Mrs Wormwood), Rob Compton (Mr Wormwood), Glen Facey (Michael Wormwood), Malinda Parris (Mrs Phelps), Bryan Mottram (u/s Rudolpho), Jacob Bland (Bruce), Imogen Darwen (Lavender), Jobe Hart (Nigel), Rochelle Wyatt (Amanda), Toby Brandon (Eric), Clara Freeman Alves (Alice), Emilia Bosi (Hortensia), Austen Phelan (Tommy), Gemma Scholes (Acrobat), Alex Hammond (Escapologist), Alex Hammond (Doctor), Ben Kerr (u/s Entertainer), Ben Kerr (u/s Sergei), Jessica Joslin (Cook), Jaye Juliette Elster (s/w Henchman/Woman), Sammy Kelly (Henchman/Woman), James Revell (s/w Henchman/Woman), CAST: Paige Brady (Matilda), Sean Montgomery (Party Entertainer), John Arthur Greene (Doctor), Lesli Margherita (Mrs. Wormwood), Gabriel Ebert (Mr. Wormwood), Taylor Trensch (Michael Wormwood), Karen Aldridge (Mrs. Phelps), Jill Paice (Miss Honey), Sean Montgomery (The Escape Artist), Jennifer Bowles (The Acrobat), Chris Hoch (Miss Trunchbull), Phillip Spaeth (Rudopho), Sean Montgomery (Sergei), Jack Broderick (Bruce), Frenie Acoba (Lavender), Jared Parker (Nigel), Beatrice Tulchin (Amanda), Ted Wilson (Eric), Ava DeMary (Alice), Analise Scarpaci (Hortensia) Judah Bellamy (Tommy). Hayley Canham (Matilda), Charles Brunton (u/s Miss Trunchbull), Haley Flaherty (Miss Honey), Steve Furst (Mr. Wormwood), Annette McLaughlin (Mrs. Wormwood), Nick Searle (Michael Wormwood), James Moore (Bruce Bogtrotter), A great HD capture of Hayley's last show , Matinee Show. Like The Pagemaster, Matilda wants you to read books, visit libraries, attend school, make friends, play together, and pursue higher education. Sophia Gennusa (Matilda), Bertie Carvel (Miss Trunchbull), Lauren Ward (Miss Honey), Lesli Margherita (Mrs Wormwood), Gabriel Ebert (Mr Wormwood), Taylor Trensch (Michael Wormwood), Karen Aldridge (Mrs Phelps), Ryan Steele (u/s Rudolpho), Jack Broderick (Bruce), Frenie Acoba (Lavender), Jared Parker (Nigel), Beatrice Tulchin (Amanda), Luke Kolbe Mannikus (alt Eric), Ava DeMary (Alice), Emma Howard (Hortensia), Judah Bellamy (Tommy), Samantha Sturm (Acrobat), Ben Thompson (Escapologist), John Arthur Greene (Doctor), John Sanders (Sergei). Includes curtain call and playbill scans. The cast was fantastic and Bertie is just awesome! This is very nicely captured overall. Some minor mistakes, like at the end of The School Song, one of the big kids accidentally tosses a copy onto the floor instead on onto the table. Date: September 9, 2014.BROADWAY. There is a one minute She’s a very impressive young actress, and has her own fresh take on the role. There are some quick dropouts in each act, and Telly is audio only while the house lights are on. NOTES: NOTES: Telly is partially captured. Final Broadway show with lots of energy from the cast and audience. The camera wanders a bit though. Should win all kinds of Tonys hands down with a great story and concept! First shows for everyone except Haley Flaherty. A good capture overall; there are a few heads that can be seen at the bottom of the screen throughout, but they are worked around well and generally don’t block more than the actors’ feet. Oona Laurence (Matilda), Bertie Carvel (Miss Trunchbull), Lauren Ward (Miss Honey), Lesli Margherita (Mrs Wormwood), Gabriel Ebert (Mr Wormwood), Taylor Trensch (Michael Wormwood), Karen Aldridge (Mrs Phelps), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Jack Broderick (Bruce), Frenie Acoba (Lavender), Jared Parker (Nigel), Samantha Sturm (Acrobat), Ben Thompson (Escapologist), CAST: Oona Laurence, Bertie Carvel, Gabriel Ebert, Lesli Margherita, Lauren Ward, Karen Aldridge, Jack Broderick, Frenie Acoba.