Your score will depend upon how accurately you capture the main points in your response. Cairo’s temperature increases steadily till July, while Cape Town’s keeps falling and going lower than Cairo’s in March. Finally, in ….. and at the centre of the map, ….. If you able to provide good response (correct pronunciation & oral fluency) then you can achieve good score in PTE speaking module. In conclusion, the two models are similar in showing human’s different kinds of needs. Answer – These two images compare the old and improved design of a bird feeder. In PTE Exam, you will encounter eight types of images.

Answer –This line graph represents the annual sales of hardware and software from year 1992 to 2002. What you will be learning in this section is how to pronounce and articulate information in a clear and professional way.

You get an image (8 different types) which you have to skim through in 25 seconds. In conclusion, this seems a very efficient process to recycle water.

The front and back seats have seat belts so the passengers won’t get tossed after an accident.

Your email address will not be published. image, world population, developing countries, industrialized/developed countries, Answer – This image represents the life cycle of a housefly.

PTE Describe Image Practice Test Series. The graph highlights the consumption of fruits and vegetables in the US in pounds per person per year terms. Industrialized countries have had a much more modest increase and will cross just over a billion in 2050. diagram, process, paper manufacturing, recyling, Thanks for the examples, these are really handy. This figure remained more or less constant till 1950 after which the number of people in developing countries had a sharp increase projected to touch 10 billion by 2050.

Great! There is a space for smoking and preserving meats and fish inside as well as there are logs for sitting, and a bed. More than 60 percent was between 15 and 64 years of age, while 30 percent was less than 14 years old.

A one-month-old baby sleeps almost an equal number of hours during the day and night. and writing: Fill in the Answer – This image represents the food pyramid designed for humans over age five. In the egg stage, an adult Ladybug lay eggs on a plant leaf and this stage lasts for two to five days. PTE Exam consists of 20 task types of which read aloud is the first task type. There are numerous ways to increase... Easy-to-Follow Templates to Earn Perfect Scores on Describe Image Tasks, Describe Image tasks form an important part of the speaking module of, If you score well in this section, you will get an. All the information is there in front of you, you just need to make sense of it. It is crystal clear from the graph that ….. has the highest ….., at …., whereas, ….. has the lowest, roughly ….. Apart from that, ….. and ….. have almost similar number of ….., approximately ….. Answer – This image represents a process for making fish feed using extrusion. The number of incidents light rail trains equal the figure recorded for busses but there were significantly fewer injuries at only 39. The chemical energy is converted to ATP, which is the body’s energy currency. So it is necessary to always keep a mental note of the allotted time. The height is between 140 centimetres to 200 centimetres, and the weight is between 30 kilograms to 150 kilograms. There was a dramatic increase in the sale of software for next three year before falling back to original sales number in year 1999. PTE Describe Image Practice Questions with Solved Answers. The table shows the sleep pattern for babies from 1 month to 3 years of age. The highest increase in income was seen in San Jose, when compared to other locations. The chain is connected to a pedal that cranks and increase pedalling force. After complete utilisation of the product, the waster is hand over to the recyclers. Then, the thumb is clasped with the opposite palm and fingertips are also rubbed with opposite palm. About 19% of the students manage to get grants. When a patient sees a doctor, the doctor can refer the patient to a rehab centre. Brazil is the next biggest consumer followed by China, both of which have shown steady increase. While …

In conclusion, in US the income was equally distributed for both years, but for other countries it was distributed equally only in year 2000. From 3 months to 3 years the nighttime hours increase from 10 to 11 and then down to 10 and a half, while daytime sleeps decreases to just one and a half hour.