VideoSniffing out Covid-19, Harry Potter book sells for 'astonishing' £60k, The battle over what's taught in US history class. We rated safe as requires improvement and requiring ongoing effort to achieve sustainable change. Nurses and doctors, we spoke with had a good knowledge of safeguarding protocols and awareness of issues they should be concerned about when treating adults, children, and young adults. In the paediatric emergency department, staff used a side room to nurse children and adolescents who needed support for their mental health conditions.

Patients received screening and assessment for sepsis on medical wards and were managed in line with national guidance. The relative’s room did not meet the needs of the people who used it. We also raised this as a concern in 2015. Governance and risk management processes were effective, documentation was completed appropriately and concerns were escalated. Improvements had been made in compliance with Infection Prevention and Control training, though compliance will still slightly under target threshold. Hand gel sanitisers were visible, full and in use across the outpatient areas that we had visited. There was sufficient consultant cover provided to meet the needs of the department. The 50-year-old woman suffered multiple stab wounds at Newham University Hospital in east London at about 05:39 BST.

Consent processes in CYP services did not always follow best practice as direct consent of the child was not always sought. A 27-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of grievous bodily harm and remains in custody at an east London police station.
Clinical staff we spoke with were very positive about the input of the patient experience contributors, and felt that they helped to ensure the patient voice was appropriately considered when discussing changes to service delivery or performance.

Staff involved patients and those close to them in decisions about their care and treatment. In addition there were 20 complaints received through PALS. The specialist palliative care team had access to the liaison psychiatry service provided by a neighbouring mental health trust. Medicines management was generally good; however, at the time of the inspection there was no system for recording the balance of FP10 forms against what was available. Between September 2017 and August 2018 there were 3 complaints which went through the formal complaints process. Furthermore, senior managers could not provide us with assurance that these issues were going to be resolved in a timely way. Senior staff were aware of this and there were plans to increase staffing in this area. Your information helps us decide when, where and what to inspect. The report stated that the model for the observations unit is complex but it works for the site, however capacity within the Observation Ward was a challenge for the size of the medical take. Since the last inspection a clinical nurse specialist in palliative medicine had been trained as a non-medical prescriber. Video, Shattering Korea’s cement ceiling. We attend a range of events throughout the year. Care pathways for CYP services were delivered in line with referenced national clinical guidelines. Sign up for alerts; Give feedback on this service; This service was previously managed by a different provider - see old profile.

We judged that the requirements of the requirement notice had been met as far as possible within the short timescale. Children and young people were spoken with in an age appropriate way. The trust reported a sickness rate of 5.8% for nursing staff in critical care; this was higher than the trusts target of 3%. Feedback from relatives confirmed the staff communicated with them and their relative in a way that helped them understand their care, treatment and condition. Boy sleeps in tent for months in memory of friends, 'Wake up, you've won a Nobel Prize' Video'Wake up, you've won a Nobel Prize', Sniffing out Covid-19.

For services we haven't rated we use ticks and crosses to show whether we've asked them to take further action or taken enforcement action against them. Staff reported on a supportive learning environment with good continuous professional development opportunities. For example, data from the NHS Safety Thermometer for August 2018 showed 100% harm free care. The report was also positive about the ward rounds system and medical staffing.

There was a good culture of teaching and learning in the department. Learning was shared from incidents. All staff members bar one had received an appraisal, with clear objectives being set out, which hadn’t been the case previously. Data from January to September 2018 showed that there had been 78 delayed discharge incidents of more than eight hours during this time period, with 21 of these discharges exceeding 72 hours. Patient’s healthcare records contained holistic needs assessments and were complete, containing all the information staff needed to deliver safe care and treatment to patients. We rated it as requires improvement because: Our rating of this service improved. On several occasions we found patient records trolleys unsecured and patient record booklets unattended in corridors, as well as computer terminals unlocked. Medical staffing was stable, but there was a need for more consultant doctor capacity. This included improvements to medical and nursing staffing numbers, a practice development nurse had been in post for the past year, the number of cancelled elective operation rates had reduced, staff understanding about the Mental Capacity Act and consent was satisfactory and better governance systems were in place. We raised this concern in 2015 and found minimal action had been taken to improve this area. There were appropriate arrangements to ensure children and young people who harm themselves were seen and assessed by suitable mental health professionals. Improving the support for modality leads to ensure they have scheduled time to perform management duties. Staff were knowledgeable about the trust’s safeguarding policies and their role and responsibilities. Shane Degaris, deputy group chief executive of Barts Health NHS Trust, said it was a "shocking and senseless attack on a member of staff doing their duty". Whilst nursing staffing numbers had improved significantly since our last inspection, we found that the coordinator for the critical care unit was counted as part of the staffing numbers at times, opposed to being supernumerary as required and that six of the seven middle-grade doctors employed were locums.

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Staff were also 100% compliant in Level 1, 2 and 3 Safeguarding Children Training.

The nearest train stations are Plaistow and Upton Park on the District and Hammersmith & City lines of the London Underground and Prince Regent on the Docklands Light Railway.

Most CYP outpatients’ clinics were delivered in the Rainbow Centre, however some services were provided in the main hospital outpatients area which was not a child friendly environment.

Patient flow was well-managed and there were no surgical site infections for knee and hip replacements and length of stay for elective and non-elective surgical patients was better than the England average. 151 Buckingham Palace Road During our last inspection we found poor standards of cleanliness and upkeep in the mortuary. There were new dedicated family rooms in the Rainbow Centre. It also meant patients at risk of deteriorating may not be picked up as quickly as possible. We found that recording of capacity assessments and decisions on deprivation of liberty safeguards (DoLS) were not consistently documented appropriately in patient records. This lack of security presented a risk to patient confidentiality, as well as clinical records being lost.