Types of NRT • The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved 5 forms of nicotine replacement therapy: 28.
during a day tablets [1] - Nicotine range: 6mg/ml to 30mg/ml • NRT formulations: levels of several Tablets, lozenges, gum, patches, inhaler, na • Maximum 8-12 tablets/day • MOA: stimulation of nicotinic receptors sal sprays • Side effects: Sour mouth or throat, burning neurotransmitters sensation in the mouth in the ventral tegmental area of the brain Fig.1 Nicotine-Ach receptor [1] • Rely on systemic venous absorption and • Nasal spray• Nicotine withdrawal also leads to insomnia do not therefore achieve such rapid Nicotrol NS (Pfizer)complaints, the severity of which is related to systemic arterial delivery • Contains the small dose of Fig. Radiologic & Physical Exposure ... - An Overview of VA Pharmacy Data Mark W. Smith February, 2010 * * * * * * * * * Comparison: PBM vs. DSS NDEs Study #3 (HERC Technical Report #22) All medications for ... - Smoking rates are highest among schizophrenics, agoraphobics, panic disorder, ... and impulsivity.

period Fig.6 Nicotine nasal spray[1] (500µg/metered spray) -The interaction of antibodies with nicotine is Fig.3 Nicotine transdermal patch[1]disorder or chronic disease” • Results in similar plasma level as heavy • Hot, peppery feeling in the back of the a reversible interaction and each antibody• Activates dopaminergic pathways (Reward smoker nose or throat and runny nose releases and binds nicotine many times, theSystem) within the brain that regulates feeling • "proven and effective" smoking cessation • Comparison studies way a juggler catches and releases multipleof euphoria strategy sticks many times• The Fagerstrom score (0 - 11) is used to • Side effects: irritate the skin, may react - expected to market in 2011 - 2012classify the level of nicotine dependence with other medications • Nicotine Gums Conclusion Nicorette (McNeil) All commercially available forms of NRT are • Available in strengths effective as a part of strategy to promote of 2mg and 4mg.