Gives Iraqi Hospitals Broken Promises in Place of Medicine, Clean Environment for Al Sadr Teaching Hospital,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with dead external links from March 2020, Articles with permanently dead external links, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Ibn Rushd Psychiatry & Addiction Hospital, Ibn Al balady Maternity & Children's Hospital, Ibn Al Nafis Vascular and Cardiac Hospital, Saddam Center for Reconstructive & Plastic Surgery (Al Wasiti), Ibn Al Khatib Infectious Diseases Hospital, Ibn Zuhr for Chest Disease Hospital (for Infectious Diseases), Ibn Al-Kuff Military Hospital for Spinal Cord Injuries with Prosthetic Center/Factory, Z. Al Badri Dermatology and Cosmetics Clinic, General Hospitals Om Al Maarik (in Om Qaser), Teaching Hospital Al Barah General Teaching, Teaching Hospital Al Tahir General Teaching, Teaching Hospital Al Basrah Maternity & Children, Bint Al Huda Maternity & Children Hospital, Al-Nasiriyah General Hospital (under construction), Eben Saif Al Jenabi (Maternity & Children), Marjan for Internal Medicine and Cardiology, Ba'quba General Hospital, teaching hospital, Jalawlaa General Hospital (Al Shahid Muhamed Abdulah), Al Batool Maternity & Children Specialized Hospital, Al Zahra'a Maternity & Children Specialized Hospital, Al Razi Infectious Diseases Specialized Hospital, Azadi Teaching Hospital (formerly Saddam Hussein Hospital), Al Hussain General Hospital, teaching hospital, Specialized Gynecology & Obstetric Teaching Hospital, Private Alkafeel Super Specialized Hospital, Imam Al Hojjah Charity Hospital (private), Khatam Al Anbea'a Private Hospital (under construction in ?

[1], The following hospitals are found in the Babil Governorate:[1], The following hospitals are in the Diyala Governorate:[1], Par Private Hospital It was formerly known as the Victoria Hospital for Incurables. var _nwls=[];if(window.jQuery&&window.jQuery.find){_nwls=jQuery.find(".fw_link_newWindow");}else{if(document.getElementsByClassName){_nwls=document.getElementsByClassName("fw_link_newWindow");}else{if(document.querySelectorAll){_nwls=document.querySelectorAll(".fw_link_newWindow");}else{document.write('<\/scr'+'ipt>');if(window.Sizzle){_nwls=Sizzle(".fw_link_newWindow");}}}}var numlinks=_nwls.length;for(var i=0;i

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Medici ginecologi, chirurgi, plasticieni, urologi, oncologi sau radiologi au un singur scop: să trateze și să susțină pacientul aflat în dificultate medicală. Erbil Teaching Hospital ), Al Waeli Private Hospital (under construction in ? Spitalul se întinde pe o suprafață de 3500m² , ceea ce permite ca rezervele să fie spațioase și primitoare. Noul spital pune la dispoziția pacienților 15 cabinete de consultații, 3 săli de operație, 19 rezerve, o echipă extraordinară! Al Shifaa Hospital for Infectious Diseases, General Hospitals Al Shaheed Mahdi Tarrad, General Hospitals Al Shaheed Khalid Al Bider General Hospital, Specialized Hospital Maternity and Children, Specialized Hospital Fevers & Chest Diseases, Specialized Hospital Infection Disease Hospital, Sulaimanyah Gynecological and obstetric Hospital, Kurdistan Gastrointestinal and hepatology center, Sulaimanyah Cardiac catheterization center, General Hospitals Al Zahraa(previously:Saddam)General, Specialized Hospital Al Kut Surgery (Emergency), Specialized Hospital Al Zahaf Al Kabeer Maternity, List of hospitals in Iraq, World Heritage Encyclopedia (URL Blocked), This page was last edited on 5 October 2020, at 01:08. [1], The following hospitals are located in the Al Anbar Governorate. Teaching Hospital Eben Sina Teaching (Ibn Seena Teaching Hospital), Teaching Hospital Al Zahrawi for Surgery Teaching (Al-Jamhuri Teaching Hospital). 3 SĂLI DE OPERAȚIE, ATI, ECHIPAMENT DE TOP. Teaching Hospital Saddam General Teaching, now called Al-Salam Teaching Hospital. Shar Private Hospital, The following hospitals are in the Kerbala Governorate:[1], May have been part of the Saddam Maternity & Children's Hospital, Erbil General Directorate of Health (DOH-Erbil), Rapareen teaching Hospital for pediatrics, center (in Public sector), Maternity teaching Hospital, center (in Public sector), Rizgary teaching Hospital, center (in Public sector), West Emergency Hospital, center (in Public sector), East Emergency Hospital, center (in Public sector), Central Emergency Hospital, center (in Public sector), Nanakali Hospital for blood diseases and cancer, center (in Public sector), Hawler teaching Hospital, center (in Public sector), Hawler psychiatric teaching Hospital, center (in Public sector), Cardiac Center, center (in Public sector), Perman General Hospital, Permam district (in Public sector), Shaqlawa Hospital, Shaqlawa district (in Public sector), Shaheed Mulazim Kareem Hospital, Shaqlawa district, Salahaddin (in Public sector), Hareer Hospital, Shaqlawa district, Hareer (in Public sector), Soran general Hospital, Soran district, Diana (in Public sector), maternal and child Hospital, Soran district, Diana (in Public sector), Rawanduz Hospital, Soran district, Rawanduz (in Public sector), Choman Hospital, Choman (in Public sector), Mergasoor Hospital, Mergasoor district (in Public sector), Ble Hospital, Ble district, Barzan direc. 41 were here. Royal Victoria Hospital Royal Victoria Hospital, Dundee, is a hospital in Dundee, Scotland. It is managed by NHS Tayside. Mosul Military Hospital, now called Mosul General Hospital. ; List of hospitals in Iraq, World Heritage Encyclopedia (URL Blocked) External links. Kurdistan Tourism Comapny is one of the Kurdistan's leading tourism consultances and a range of other tourism services to its clients in kuridstan and worldwide Royal hospital has bed strength of 36 beds, and with a one operating theatre we perform more than 200 surgeries, provide medical care to more than 3500 outpatients and treat more than 175 inward patients per month. ), General Hospitals Huzairan/for Ministry of Oil, Private Hospital Al Rahmah Private (obsolete), General Hospitals Al Sader General Teaching, Teaching Hospital Al Furat Middle Teaching, General Hospital Talla'fer (Telafer General Hospital), Specialized Hospital Al Batool for Gynaecology & Obstetrics, Specialized Hospital Eben Al Athir for Children (Ibn Alatheer), Specialized Hospital Al Khansaa Maternity & Children, Specialized Hospital Al Kamaliya (Specialized), Specialized Hospital Hazem Al Hafez (Oncology and Nuclear Medicine). Erbil Teaching Hospital, Erbil. The opening of the Kurdistan Children’s Hospital (KCH) in March 2014, the first facility in the region dedicated to the treatment of children, is set to change this. Royal Hospital- Superb care under one roof . Today, the hospital is primarily dedicated to medicine for the elderly.

War Takes Toll on Baghdad Psychiatric Hospital

Gynecoland este acum ROYAL HOSPITAL BUCHAREST - spital privat supraspecializat în chirurgie ginecologică, chirurgia sânului patologic, ginecologie, senologie.