We weren’t in the highest of spirits today. If you enjoyed this website you might also enjoy these other websites in the Wildwood Canada group, Wildwood Survival   The black flies had been quite thick all day and were no better here, but now they didn’t need to feel so lonely, being accompanied by so many deer flies. The diversion is to be completed by 2011. We made our way through them to a point that on the topo map looked like a short cut.
We would like to acknowledge the support of. Even on paper, the Rupert is impressive. This website is created, maintained & copyright © by Two Ottawa This one we ran as though the canoe was floating on sulfuric acid. By early afternoon, with mixed emotions, we had reached Hwy 109 where we had decided to take out.
This was not an easy lake to get out of. We paddled to the first set of rapids, and scouted the start of them as best we could from shore. Delightful sandy beaches offered welcome rest stops. The power of the river is really amazing.

Three great rivers, flowing in three different directions. Mistassini Lake is an extremely large lake. The waves became smaller until finally we were out of danger. We were already in the “flat” dark water that led to the rapids before we realized how much trouble we were in. “Work on it,” he said, paddling away at about 15 miles per hour. A We had no choice but to turn back.

We didn’t really have the time or inclination for that. Nonetheless, the canoes made it down to the mouth of the river, at the Gulf of St. Lawrence, as planned. By a rough estimation it’s area is five times Lake Simcoe’s, or twice Lake Champlain’s. a tragic capitulation, the leadership of the Cree of Quebec made a deal to allow the diversion of the Rupert It is like having half a dozen rapids, all flowing side by side making up the one river. The Rupert River, so huge, like a river flowing to the sea …. Looking back on the Rupert from Highway 109. When you wave the feather, you feel the air. Even river trips can be arranged by request. The trip from Mistissini to Waskaganish involves a distance of some 525 km, as the crow flies.

will quickly kill you. Ontario Trackers   We paddled up the shore of the bay for at least 500m and then started across. We planned to drive to the south end of Mistassini Lake and paddle the 80 or 90 km up the west shore to the start of the Rupert River. Km305: The Gorge; Km290: Nemao (Sturgeon) Rapids The rapids of the Rupert River are not to be trifled with or It was a very hot sunny day and we paddled to the end of Nemiscau Lake on calm waters. From the safety of shore we could see that if we had chosen the V on the right, we would have been forced over a huge drop into rocks and curling water. When you wave the feather, you feel the air.