"I just reasoned that it was entirely possible that William Hartnell may not have been the first Doctor Who," he explained. Via the Boundary, she discovered the Timeless Child on one such planet, and adopted her as her own. He's heavily involved with his local church, and anyone who checks him out on Twitter will quickly learn that he's interested in British politics as well. That most likely means Chibnall isn't too concerned about whether or not his retcon aligns with Davies and Moffat; he's drawing inspiration from, and carefully connecting his stories to, the show's rich history. (PROSE: The Eight Doctors) The Seventh Doctor described them as "New Age Time Lord dropouts."
Finally, in "Silver Nemesis" the sinister Lady Peinforte hinted she knew the Doctor's secrets, ones that were still obscured from viewers. (PROSE: Deadfall) The Shobogans worshipped the god of chaos and anarchy, the Great Old One Azathoth.

Biology Edit. Previously, he's written entertainment news and articles for Movie Pilot.

(PROSE: Deadfall), The Shobogans worshipped the god of chaos and anarchy, the Great Old One Azathoth. But, in truth, showrunner Chris Chibnall has long seemed more interested in staying true to classic Doctor Who than to the relaunch. [Dialogue in Silver Nemesis was] a subtle attempt to say that there was a third presence there in the shadowy days of Gallifrey's creation.

In one scene in "The Timeless Children," the Doctor uses her memories to mind blast her way out of the Matrix; Chibnall deliberately reuses the memories from "The Brain of Morbius," a smart way of reminding longer-term viewers there's precedent for the Doctor having more than thirteen lives.

Indeed, while the Timeless Child clashes with the continuity of the Doctor Who relaunch - most notably rendering Matt Smith's finale, "The Time of the Doctor," utterly meaningless - it actually builds upon concepts from classic Doctor Who.

At the time this was seen as something of a plot hole, because it broke the regeneration cap, but it can now be interpreted as a fragment of memory bubbling up in the Doctor's mind, and subsequently repressed. https://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/Shobogan_(species)?oldid=3017613. Of course, in order to make it work you have to assume that different incarnations of the Doctor had varying degrees of knowledge of their past; regeneration is known to scramble the neurons after all. "So yes, as far as [writer] Bob [Holmes] and I were concerned, the other faces were meant to be past Doctors… it is true to say that I attempted to imply that William Hartnell was not the first Doctor.". He's one of these half-glimpsed demigods. Meanwhile, the history of the Timeless Child is also the history of Gallifrey - and its class system. Chibnall's Timeless Child retcon - and his rewritten history of Gallifrey - finally explains another mystery from the Tom Baker era. The Time Lords lived in the Capitol - a mirror of London - and they possessed both wealth and power that the rest of their race did not.

Related: Doctor Who: What Are The Division, The Time Lord's NEXT Big Secret? The past Doctors seen in "The Brain of Morbius" had been forgotten, discounted as an insignificant plot hole, but "The Timeless Child" restores them to continuity. More: Doctor Who Teases That Graham Is Really The Doctor.

In "Remembrance of the Daleks," Sylvester McCoy's Seventh Doctor described himself as "far more than just another Time Lord."

(PROSE: All-Consuming Fire), In the third century after Rassilon's death, Rassilon's Rampart was built to keep out Shobogans. A one-stop shop for all things video games. (PROSE: The Eight Doctors), "Shabooj'm" lived in the ruins of a great civilisation on the planet Ardethe.

All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Chibnall is clearly more attracted to classic Doctor Who than he is to the relaunched series under Davies and Moffat; as such, his Timeless Child retcon is largely designed to pay off this 44-year-old mystery. Although Doctor Who has made infrequent mention of the Shobogans, the creation and maintenance of this class system have never been explained - until now. The two engaged in a psychic duel, with Morbius attempting to penetrate the Doctor's mind and tear his memories out of his head. Chris Chibnall's Timeless Child retcon fits perfectly with classic Doctor Who - and with plot holes dating to the Tom Baker era. It was the only televised story in the original run of Doctor Who to feature the Doctor without a companion. When Tecteun discovered the child's ability to regenerate, she experimented on several of their incarnations to discover the secret to this ability to the point where it became an obsession of hers to find out the mysteries of regeneration. Back, back to your beginning…" At the time there had only been a handful of previous Doctors, and a screen showed images of Jon Pertwee, Patrick Troughton, and William Hartnell.