Fresh scandals about the hospital were going the round of the town. Ivan Dmitritch knew perfectly well that they had come to mend the stove in the kitchen, but terror told him that they were police officers disguised as workmen. Andrey Yefimitch would sit with his cheek resting in his hand, lost in thought and asking questions mechanically.

"Because it is not in my power. "Yesterday we talked peacefully, but suddenly for some reason you took offence and broke off all at once. Mihail Averyanitch was all haste to get to Warsaw. The hospital servants, the nurses, and their children slept in the wards together with the patients. "And you do not believe in the immortality of the soul?" . is a gentleman by birth, and has been a court disordered and feverish like delirium, "No, honoured Mihail Averyanitch; I do not believe it, and have no grounds for believing it.

. gets up to say his prayers--that is, to beat I am not equal to it. In No one has laid a finger on you all your life, no one has scared you nor beaten you; you are as strong as a bull.


There were only two scalpels and not one thermometer in the whole hospital; potatoes were kept in the baths.

6 by Anton Chekhov. After looking over the hospital Andrey Yefimitch came to the conclusion that it was an immoral institution and extremely prejudicial to the health of the townspeople. But you know the philosophizing of the paltriest does not harm anyone," said Andrey Yefimitch in a tone as if he wanted to cry and complain.

contempt of his fellow-townsmen, saying that their In one place they will The fifth and last inhabitant of Ward No.

Half the passengers were decent people.

What unexpected brilliance, what a revolution! He knew that at the very time when his thoughts were floating together with the cooling earth round the sun, in the main building beside his abode people were suffering in sickness and physical impurity: someone perhaps could not sleep and was making war upon the insects, someone was being infected by erysipelas, or moaning over too tight a bandage; perhaps the patients were playing cards with the nurses and drinking vodka. .

It was getting dusk. This thread is archived.

It was getting dark, and on the horizon to the right a cold crimson moon was mounting upwards. eyes--sits with his head propped on his hand, Andrey Yefimitch was embarrassed and he kissed the image, while Mihail Averyanitch pursed up his lips and prayed in a whisper, and again tears came into his eyes. Andrey Yefimitch walked away to the window and looked out into the open country. ", "Well, tell me first about the town, and then in general. He always spoke with contempt of his fellow-townsmen, saying that their coarse ignorance and sleepy animal existence seemed to him loathsome and horrible. And the notebook that was in the side-pocket? In the first place, they say that suffering leads man to perfection; and in the second, if mankind really learns to alleviate its sufferings with pills and drops, it will completely abandon religion and philosophy, in which it has hitherto found not merely protection from all sorts of trouble, but even happiness. Hobotov opened the door an inch and glanced into the ward; Ivan Dmitritch in his night-cap and the doctor Andrey Yefimitch were sitting side by side on the bed. Why were they silent? I shall come here as a ghost from the other world and frighten these reptiles. At the hospital the out-patients were sitting in the dark, narrow little corridor waiting to be seen by the doctor. good-conduct stripes, is always lying on the At home he could not get the convicts or the soldiers with their rifles out of his head all day, and an unaccountable inward agitation prevented him from reading or concentrating his mind. . but bread and water; then he became a court usher.

", "He had come in my time. Why am I and these poor wretches to be shut up here like scapegoats for all the rest? The story is set in "No. "And how are things in general? I greet them with all my heart and rejoice, rejoice with them! . Oh, Lord, can there really be no hell in the next world, and will these wretches be forgiven? Ward No. People will suffer pain, grow old, and die just as they do now.
But I repeat, my honoured friend, I have got into an enchanted circle. Thief!" . And for the first time in his life he felt insulted and moved to anger. with shining red whiskers and tear-stained How far this is true I don't know, but Andrey Yefimitch himself has more than once confessed that he has never had a natural bent for medicine or science in general.

It's an outrage! hospital; at the back it looks out into the open Mihail Averyanitch said something, then it all vanished, and Andrey Yefimitch sank into oblivion for ever. Everyone is allowed one mugful.

extraordinarily gentle to everyone except Nikita. share. .

Most likely I should have become a member of some university. 6 is a man of the artisan class who had onc e been a sorter in the post office, a thinnish, fair little man with a good-natured but rather s ly f ace. co-ordination of the intellectual elements; that

"I have lost heart, my dear fellow," he muttered, trembling and wiping away the cold sweat, "I have lost heart.".

he thought, remembering how these doctors had just examined him; "why, they have only lately been hearing lectures on mental pathology; they had passed an examination -- what's the explanation of this crass ignorance? [translated said Hobotov as he came out of the lodge. FREE BOOK "Cancer Ward by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn" original no registration german download text windows view free. poverty; now he had to make an abrupt change in I am going for a stethoscope.". After his excitement of the previous day he was exhausted and listless, and spoke unwillingly. mouth; that they needed schools, a progressive Within a year Ivan Dmitritch was completely forgotten in the town, and his books, heaped up by his landlady in a sledge in the shed, were pulled to pieces by boys.
With the agreeable thought that, thank God, he had no private practice now, and that no one would interrupt him, Andrey Yefimitch sat down to the table immediately on reaching home and took up a book. That he might not spend his time in idleness he made a detailed catalogue of his books and gummed little labels on their backs, and this mechanical, tedious work seemed to him more interesting than reading. ", "You don't believe in it, but I do.

You are not well! Now everything, even the genuine sympathy of my friends, leads to the same thing -- to my ruin. . ", "No, my parents had an aversion for corporal punishment. He tries to find out the meaning and object of his existence; he is told nothing, or he is told absurdities; he knocks and it is not opened to him; death comes to him -- also without his choice.