He turned an interview with Jo Soares – a sort of Brazilian David Letterman – to his own advantage when he invited one of his female bodybuilding gym clients with him into the TV studio, to strip to her bikini. “He was very malandro,” says Mauricio.

“I started hearing all these stories: ‘This guy’s slept with women pretending to be you, he’s doing well out of your name.’ I said, ‘Whatever. They thought his scam was funny. “He always had a little problem; always injured. Denn die meisten Angaben beruhen auf Kaisers eigenen Aussagen. Er bezahlte sogar Mitspieler, damit sie ihn beim Training so sehr verletzten, dass er nicht eingesetzt werden würde.

So kümmerte er sich um Lösungen, falls ein Spieler betrunken mit seinem Auto in eine Alkoholkontrolle geriet, und verschaffte Mitspielern Zugang zu Frauen. Kaiser’s was, by any standards, quite spectacular: a luscious, wavy follicular statement of intent. He would claim the achievements of other players with a similar name, showing newspaper cuttings to convince people he was a star. The truth was that my mother saw salvation in me.”, His parents died when he was 13, and at 16, he signed for Mexican team Puebla as In der Welt des Fußballs ist der Brasilianer Carlos Henrique Raposo unter dem Ehrennamen Carlos Kaiser bekannt – denn der ehemalige Profi-Kicker spielte in seiner 26 Jahre langen Karriere für zwölf verschiedene Vereine, führte dutzende TV-Interviews und legte sich mit der brasilianischen Mafia an. Die Vereine Bangu AC und America FC aus Rio de Janeiro bestätigten, dass Kaiser bei ihnen unter Vertrag stand.

Kaiser is a good guy, a cool guy, but if you play football you could see he didn’t have it.”, At the time, the presence in the squad of a guy who didn’t actually play wasn’t unusual though, says Alexandre Torres. Carmine Gallone. The players joked, ‘Where did this artist come from?’ They called him Maradona – ‘Hey Maradona!’ He looked like Maradona, but the fat Maradona.”, But whenever the cameras were rolling at training, the Kaiser was suddenly in the middle of the action. Impressum | He also laminated articles about Henrique, the America striker, and took them around in his bumbag. Interview filming on a cinematic release was completed in December 2016. Das heißt: sie folgten vermutlich. Mittlerweile ist neben einer Biographie sogar ein Film mit dem Titel "Kaiser!" “There was a very famous goal against Flamengo when he, how do you say it in football, resolved the game? Solomon Gordon, Henning Baum, Leighanne Esperanzate, Mit With José Carlos Araújo, Bebeto, Bernardo De Paula, Renato Gaúcho.

I thought he deserved an opportunity,” says Barros. I’ve appeared on several programmes in Brazil and I’m now attracting global attention.

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Trailer zu "Kaiser": Dieser Mann narrte die Welt, "Catch Me If You Can" unter Fußballprofis.

“I wanted everyone to be annoyed with me, and send me away. I used to get in trouble at home with my wife. Oh my God.

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Last modified on Fri 27 Jul 2018 15.50 BST, Eri Johnson, one of Brazil’s most famous actors, will never forget the first time he met footballing royalty.

I would be at the team hotel the night before a game and people would say I had sneaked out and was with a woman. how he got to be at Fluminense.

I jumped over the fence to fight with the supporters, so I could get sent off and not play.” It worked. “He grabbed me and gave me a kiss, then organised a new contract for me,” grins the Kaiser. “I am a child of Ajaccio,” says Gentili.

Auch an seiner Verpflichtung beim französischen Zweitligisten Gazélec FC Ajaccio gibt es starke Zweifel. “I started to warm up and the supporters behind the fence began to shout at me. Wir benötigen Ihre Zustimmung, um den von unserer Redaktion eingebundenen Youtube-Inhalt anzuzeigen. Until one day Ronaldo Torres, a trainer, hid behind him and discovered the mobile was a toy. Über uns | “Not a lot of Brazilians came here and played.