I can Observe Texas from one place. ¶ One point of clarification that I would like to offer concerns the statistic cited that “Washington County, of which Brenham is the county seat, had only three psychiatrists and five psychologists as of 2018.” While I do not dispute this fact, this gives the false impression that psychologists are the only licensed mental health care providers who can provide therapy.

address_fields["firstnm"] = ""; The Texas Observer magazine has been the journal of free voices in Texas since 1954. address_fields["dlastnm"] = ""; By purchasing this item, you are transacting with Google Payments and agreeing to the Google Payments, The only scouting app downloads Amazon database to search instantly w/o Internet. I bought the most recent issue through the AppStore but have been unable to download/view it.

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If you have a copy of your magazine at hand, You can find the member ID on the back of your magazine This is the fastest and most accurate way to renew. address_fields["fdist"] = ""; address_fields["rcity"] = ""; address_fields["epriv"] = "0"; You can find the member ID on the back of the magazine. Readers can browse our online content, Facebook page, Twitter feed and Instagram feed, share content and preview issues available for purchase. ONE HUNDRED MILES SOUTHEAST OF GALVESTON’S muddy shoreline, the Gulf of Mexico becomes a dazzling, vibrant blue. The Texas Observer editorial office is located at 54 Chicon St. Austin, TX 78702. If you value the work of the Observer, please help us continue our legacy of unapologetic public-interest reporting.

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“It began in the Kiowa school, and its terribly fatal consequences were due largely to…, “The police are an offshoot of the overseer on the plantation and the slave patrols…. address_fields["addr1"] = ""; address_fields["lastnm"] = ""; /* sc-component-id: FooterAppListContainer-id_krzfba */

address_fields["dphone"] = ""; This history of race and policing in America is deep, and we do ourselves a disservice by just glossing over it.” address_fields["demail"] = ""; The Texas Observer Pricing: • Single Issue Price - USD $1.99* • Subscription 1 Year - USD $19.99* * For non-US app stores, the equivalent currency charges will apply. and editors work to ensure that we cover issues that are often ignored or underreported by other media. address_fields["lastnm"] = ""; address_fields["dfirstnm"] = "";

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Texas Gov. address_fields["depriv"] = "0"; address_fields["daddr2"] = "";