Dreamer makes her resurgence here and the enemies’ armor value has gone up slightly to the current maximum of 114. Keep in mind, however, that you still face some unarmored units with high evasion, like Scouts, so don’t expect to breeze through the maps easily. Does construction and Suee stack by chance? Welcome to the map clear guide for chapter 8N.

It must be hard for this fairy as she can't understand Russian. sidebarCharacter.addClass('active').each(function() { Deploys a shield for every SMGs in the echelon in the next battle, each absorbing 40 (150) points of damage. / “嘻嘻,除了逃跑,你好像什么都没学到呢。”. Clear out the left pocket of the map first, we should have plenty of movement points to do so. / 拥有力场护盾的能力,平日可用于防雨防尘防骚扰。. self.find('img').width(self.width()); Takes inspiration from MLR systems, including the famous Katyusha, the M270 or TOS-1 playing a similar role to conventional artillery, but with a far larger total payload and fire coverage, a longer reload time and low accuracy (which is compensated by multiple rounds), which may reflect the reason she appeared as a Strategic Fairy, albeit resembling more of a short-range ballistic missile system than a typical MLRS. Data in parentheses are the maximum possible value of the stat. / 拥有提高防御的能力,平日可用于保守秘密和紧急护理。, "Gah! Suee is basically a cuter construction that's a bit weaker but costs fewer fairy points. Just to make sure; if I do the event everyday to get the daily quota event currency without missing a single day, there is enough of it to buy all the stuffs in the event shop, right? As for Welrod, you can throw in Mk23 instead for pure firepower to break through the tough armor. Dummy echelon follows suit so that nodes can be captured and not revert back during the enemy's turn. Clear out the remaining enemy units and if you need to, resupply using the temporary node. I'm above you...." / “嘻嘻……我在你上面……”, Has the ability to fire rockets, can be used for celebrations during peacetime.

/* TopicNav V1 * Copyright 2015, maverick * masterchan.me * Free to use under the MIT license. Black beans serve as DPS checks, proper ARSMG teams are up for the task. Deploys a launcher that lasts 2 rounds with 3 shots. Welrod and RO give surprisingly high survival versus Scouts and Dreamer. Set the Friend echelon to 'eliminate' once more and move the Combat echelon at the bottom intersection to close in on the right pocket. Take note: This guide provides only one solution to these maps with minimum requirements to get an S-rank. Continue to sweep the map thoroughly while the combat echelon takes care of the weakened Jupiter cannon. .sideBarPic.skin-vector #mw-panel div#p-logo { background-color: rgba(246, 246, 246, 0.9); top: 0; Girls frontline Guide!

}); Raises damage by 8% and dodge by 12% for all SMGs in the echelon, Raises damage by 10% and Rate of Fire by 8% for all ARs in the echelon, Raises damage by 8% and Rate of Fire by 10% for all RFs in the echelon, Raises armor by 8% and crit chance by 20% for all SGs in the echelon, Raises damage by 10% and Rate of Fire and accuracy by 15% for all MGs in the echelon, Raises dodge by 10% and crit chance by 30% for all HGs in the echelon, Raises damage of the entire echelon by 10% every 8 seconds, stacks up to 3 stacks. Yeah, that should always be the case for all event shops. Note and reference * Bullets arrive immediately * Grenade launch in 1s * R93 passive duration is 92f for mechanism reason.

/ 拥有控制机场的能力,平日可用于布置场地。. Good luck! / 拥有夜间额外视野的能力,平日可用于夜间探险和打暗号。, Her intro line matches a scene in the last chapter of the PSV horror game, "This world has only money and wisdom" “这个世界只有金钱与智慧”, Has... perhaps the ability to show off, at least during peacetime! / 拥有呼叫增援人形的能力,平日可用于通讯和紧急呼救。, Has the ability to seize LZs. }).resize(); Move each combat echelon to the top left helipad and the node to the right of the Jupiter cannon respectively. / 夜间作战时,两回合内每场战斗全队命中提升10%(30%),持续20秒。, window.RLQ = window.RLQ || [];

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/ “去获胜吧!怜悯可是一种软弱哦!”, Has the ability to call reinforcement T-dolls, can be used for communications and emergency SOS calls during peacetime. }); .sidebar-character { Summons a Crimson Hell Orb in the next battle, spawning fire pillars in a large radius near the enemy, lasting 2 seconds, dealing 20 (120) damage per 0.5 seconds to any enemy that comes into contact.